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authors note: If you are still reading this book then make sure you will read this chapter to the very last end;) (it's long as fuckkkkk)

sorry if there are any mistakes I didn't proofread

tw: Panic attack

I woke up to see a beautiful girl sitting next to me scrolling on her phone. "morning Billie" I said as I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram. 

"Good morning Cal" She smiled. Omg this girl is so fucking cute. 

"Oh no what did you do Eilish? Why are you smiling like that?" I chuckled. 

"Well I thought since you needed a new outfit for tonight we could go shopping." 

"I mean sure why not." I said and got out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom.

When we were all done we got in the car and drove to the mall. Billie put on some sunglasses and made sure that security was nearby. We got out of the car and walked into the mall. We walked into some random stores and looked at some clothes. "Omg look this crop top is so cute!" I said and looked at Billie. 

"I like it you would look hot in it" Billie said and winked at me. 

"Shut up Eilish" I said and playfully pushed my arm. 

When I got a full outfit I got into a fitting room and changed into the outfit. I had a white crop top with black sweat pants and a black vest. When I opened the door and came out I looked at Billie. "What do you think?" I asked. 

"I told you, you look hot in this." 

"Ugh fuck off" I said with the biggest smile on my face. 

"Never" She smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the fitting room. I changed into my own clothes again and we walked to the cash desk.

I grabbed my wallet and got my credit card to pay. "Hey Eilish keeps her promises put that away right now" She pointed at the hand I was holding the credit card with. 

"I hate you" I said and chuckled. 

"No you don't" she whispered in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine.

When we walked back to the car I saw a group of girls running towards us. "OMGG HII BILLIE" They screamed and gave her a hug. 

"Hi cuties how are you?" She asked them. I loved how she talked with her fans and always made sure they were okay. She's so sweet and always cares for other people. God I really loved this woman so much. But I shouldn't expect that she loves me the way that I love her. I watched them have a conversation and after I took some pictures for them.

When the girls walked away I looked at Billie. "What? Why are you looking like that?" She asked me. 

"Nothing I just love how much you care for your fans and really make sure they are okay" I said as we continued walking to the car. 

"I mean they are the reason I am where I am right now. And I love them." 

"I really don't deserve you" I looked at my shoes. 

"Hey look at me" She said and lifted my chin up with two fingers. "Never say that ever again. You deserve to be loved and have a safe place. And you are really important to me and don't forget that." She looked at me and pulled me in for a hug.

When we got home I scrolled through my phone for some time. I saw some pictures of me and Billie together at the mall. I looked at them for a while. Billie is so pretty. Her laugh is so cute and her hair was a beautiful blue color. And her pink plump lips look so soft. She is so perfect. I love her. I got snapped out of these thoughts when Billie walked in. 

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