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authors note: this chapter is long as fuckkkk 

(didn't proofread this chapter bc i'm a lazy bitch so i am sorry if there are any mistakes in here:)

After Billie left I actually realized what I told her and what my dad would do if he found out. I felt tears in my eyes and ran upstairs.⚠️ I walked into the bathroom and opened my drawer. I grabbed my blade and some tissues as I sat down on the floor. Without thinking I dragged the blade through my skin over and over again. It felt so good to feel the cold metal in my skin again. An old familiar feeling that always helped me. 

When I looked down on my arm I realized how many times I cut myself. I saw the blood dripping on the floor while I got the tissues and wiped the blood of my arm. I walked over to the sink and turned it on to clean my fresh cuts. After it stopped bleeding I grabbed a box with band aids and covered all of my cuts. ⚠️ I walked back into my room and putted on a sweater. I plopped down on my bed and went to sleep.

next morning

Today was Thursday so I had some time left before my dad came home. He would be home around Friday night so I had the whole day to do what I wanted. I got up to make myself ready for school. It was hot outside but I decided to put on a sweater and some sweatpants. I grabbed an apple and walked out of the door. While I walked to school I ate my apple and played some random music.

I arrived at school and was on my way to the classroom as I felt the stares of the other students. I quickly sat down in the back of the class and waited for this hour to be over. right now I have English and I really liked that teacher. She was really nice and always made sure I was okay. After she explained some things to the class she walked over to me and sat next to me. "Hey Calista, how are you doing?" She said with a big smile on her face. 

"I'm great thanks! what about you?" I asked. 

"yeah i'm fine" she smiled and after we had a short conversation before i heard the bell ring.

After English I survived 3 more boring hours before I walked out of the school on my way to my work. When I got there I changed into my uniform and worked for an hour. After I had a little break I got back to work when I saw a matt black car pull into the drive thru. I smiled as I saw the window open and a blue haired girl sat in the car. When she looked at me I saw a smile appear on her face.

"Hey Calista, how are you?" she said as I grabbed her order and handed it to her. 

"yeah i'm fine. how are you?" I smiled.

"i'm okay, when are you done with your shift?" She asked while looking in the bag and getting some food out. 

"In like an hour I think"

"Okay i'm waiting for you in the parking lot, see you then" She said and winked at me. 

"Billie you can't wait a full hour for me" I said. 

"watch me" she said and drove off. I shook my head and got back to work. This girl is crazy.

After an hour I changed into my own clothes and walked to the parking lot seeing a matt black dodge challenger parked. I shook my head while I walked my way over to the car. I opened the door of the passenger seat and sat down in the car. I looked at Billie and saw her smile at me. "I told you" She said and pushed my arm playfully. 

"you are crazy Bil" I said and rolled my eyes. She chuckled and started the car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked her. 

"To my house, if that's okay with you" She said and looked at me. I nodded my head and she drove off. After a five minute drive we arrived at a small house and she parked the car in the driveway. She opened the door and got out of the car. I did the same and when I closed the door she locked the car. She grabbed my hand and walked to the front door.

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