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authors note: so there will be a trigger warning in this chapter because of a panic attack but there is kind of important information in there. But I think you can also still understand the story if you don't read it. So if you are triggered fast please don't read but just so ya'll know:)

I woke up to the sound of the door close. I knew it was my dad going out for who knows what so I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was already 8 am so i jumped out of my bed. I had dance class at 9 so i quickly grabbed my stuff and packed my bag. I grabbed a sweater and put it on over my ballet clothes and put my shoes on.  I walked into the kitchen to have some breakfast. I grabbed a cracker and took a bite.

When i opened the door to walk out i felt in my pocket and it was empty. "Shit I forgot my phone"I mumbled to myself and ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to go to ballet class. I closed the door and started to walk a bit faster than normal. After a few minutes of walking I arrived at the building. I pushed the door open and walked to the changing rooms. I pulled off my sweater and walked into ballet class.

I started stretching and the teacher walked in. One girl in my class was a bit late and sat down to start stretching. My teacher walked over to her and i already knew what was going to happen. She asked why the girl was late and she said she lost her phone. The teacher started yelling at her. "Why can't people nowadays just live without their phone for 1 fucking second".⚠️  I felt my breath hitch in my throat and i got up and ran out of the dance hall.

I ran into the toilets and threw some cold water in my face while I tried to calm myself down. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes met a green pair of red teary eyes and tear stained cheeks. When I heard someone flush the toilets and I turned around. I saw the blue haired girl from the day before walking out of the stall. I felt my whole face turn red and I buried my face in my hands hoping she wouldn't say anything. Then i felt two arms wrap around me and she said: "Hey you are okay, you are safe."

I sobbed into her shoulder and after a few minutes i calmed down and she pulled out of the hug. She asked: "What happened?". I didn't know what to say so i just shrugged my shoulders. "well it's okay you don't have to tell me. What's your name?" she asked. I mumbled 

"Calista" while i still stared at the ground. 

"Okay so Calista, I don't know what happened but just know that your reason is valid" she said. I smiled and she embraced me in another hug. "Okay now give me your phone". I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. After she typed something she gave it. "If you ever need anything you can text me" and then she walked off. ⚠️

I looked at my screen and saw that she added her number to my phone. It said "Billie" just like the name in her Instagram bio. I smiled and dried my tears. After a few minutes of staring at my screen I smiled and shook my head. I walked into the dressing room and sat there until the lesson was over. I knew otherwise the teacher would scream at me. I think her name was Samantha if i remember right.

When I walked back into class after the lesson was done and quickly grabbed my stuff to get out of there I heard someone walk up behind me. I turned around and saw Samantha standing there staring right into my soul. "Why did you just run out of class without asking and not even coming back" she asked in a stern voice. 

"I- I don't know" I stuttered staring at my feet. 

"Hey! look at me when i'm talking to you" she yelled. My vision started to get blurry when i heard a soft angelic voice.

"Hey Calista, Come here i'm waiting for you". I looked up and saw Billie standing at the exit of the building. I walked up to her and she took my hand dragging me out of the doors.

When we got out she turned to me and I mumbled "Thanks". She smiled and then our eyes locked. I stared into her beautiful ocean blue eyes. 

"No problem" She winked and walked over to a matt black dodge challenger. She pulled out a key and unlocked the car. "Do you need a ride?" i shook my head. 

"no thanks i'm fine i'll just walk". I turned around and walked off. I didn't mind walking and it wasn't that far. 

When I opened the door and walked into my house I threw my bag on the floor and walked into my bedroom. I plopped down on my bed and scrolled through my phone. I saw a picture of Billie pop up on my screen and a small smile appeared on my face as i clicked on her profile.

authors note: okay this was a bit of a boring chapter but I promise it will get better. if ya'll have any suggestions for this book let me know! Stay safe and don't forget to drink something today<3

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