𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞

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Hey! Thanks for reading this very long book. I appreciate it, I really do! I never knew this book was going to turn out so long nor did I realize how into it I was actually going to be. I adore Good Omens and the adaptation that Michael Sheen and David Tennet had brought to the table with their quirky personalities. When season 2 was announced I was ECSTATIC! because they did so well in season one that surely season two will bring the same amount of fun or even more to the story!

If you're reading this, again I appreciate it a lot because I thought it'd be nice to share my thoughts throughout writing this whole story. At first I was thinking of starting it slow, I didn't want to go too quickly into the big stuff like with the apostles so I started with-of course- Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship and how it would have worked-in my mind- and how it would have played out. Of course nothing is all sunshine and rainbows so I added a bit of ✨Spice✨ and yes of course they did make love once I didn't want to make it a big deal. The spice in this case was the stigma Aziraphale still had, deeply rooted in his morals about Demons and how Angel's should be towards them, therefore Gabriel had to ruin the fun. And so on and so forth they had a rocky few breakups here and there but they-of course- managed to pick up all the pieces and create an even stronger relationship.

As the story goes on the pair acquire these abilities they didn't even know they had, which helped them to find all the apostles though.. some were better off unknown. After finding out Crowley was  the last apostle and what he represents Aziraphale is deeply hurt but knows he needs to work with him to save the world from complete destruction.  At first I wasn't going to make Crowley an apostle but then I realized, any being can be an apostle so ✨Tada✨ Crowley became the apostle of betrayal. 

And of course you know how that went, as the story goes on we meet all the apostles and their small stories. I didn't want to just make a character and move on, I wanted to mimic the real show by having these characters have lives like Anathema or even Madam Tracey! With this you can definitely see who was inspired by who. Most of the characters are all made up from out of thin air while others have a small nod to the characters of the show. An example of this is a nod to the show a bit more at the end with Wilfred Starr and Madeline Windzer who replicate Madam Tracy and Sgt Shadwell and their relationship. Another nod to a character was Liam, though he is a lot older than Adam from the show he's the youngest just like Adam. Another nod I liked a lot was Rudy's character, and of course at the end you can see this more but it was a nod to one of my favorite characters that no one talks about and that's the mail carrier man! Who loved his wife and his job just like Rudy. 

And of course to add onto more of these characters stories I gave a dip into what happened to them after they all saved the world. It gave so much more into their character and their lives with those small snippets-Which were fun to write. 

That's about all I have to say about this book other than it was a fun book to write and I hope that it is just as fun to read.

Again, Thanks for reading!

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