𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲

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Spending her day off at home with her wife Karen helps clean around the house, Dusting shelves, taking out the trash you name it. Hearing her wife- June- walk around the corner she smiles "Need anything love?" not getting a response she looks up seeing her nervous. "Honey what's wrong?" putting down the broom she walks over, waiting for her response. "Karen I..I think I want a child" looking her in the eyes she swallows hard nervous at her reaction. Processing what she just said Karen smiles bright picking her up swinging her in a circle "Baby that's wonderful!" setting her down she gets excited talking quick. "We can get a surrogate! We can clean out my office to make it a nursery this is going to be so excited I-" seeing her smile bright she smiles softly taking her face kissing her gently.

Earlier, at the local High School where Jim Elliot resigns standing on the wall of the gym as all the students file in for an important pep-rally. As the students settle the guest speaker gathers their attention "Hello everybody! How's everybody doing I'm Wally Page and I am actually from Canada. And I've come here to talk to you all about the importance of Self-Discovery I myself started my journey when I was young, in fact I was about 17. I realized after my 18th birthday that I didn't know who I was or what I was going to become so, I took action and built my way up to travel outside of my country and I haven't looked back ever since" catching the last bit of his sentence feeling intrigued. 

After listening to his speech Jim decides to catch him and talk to him more about his speech. While they talk Jim and Wally realize their stories are very similar. "Wow, we have a lot in common you and I" punching his arm lightly Wall nods "I like you Jim, we seem to have this connection I don't know if this is really sudden or i'm just going nuts but I've been looking for a travel buddy" taking out his personal number on a business card Wally hands it to Jim "Think about it and call me, I'm leaving London tomorrow morning just to let you know" he walks away Jim watching him turn the corner he looks down at the number with a small smile.

That night Jim decides to put a pause on being a Principle, taking a chance he never knew was possible he packs his bags and a few suits of course deciding to call up Wally to join him. "Hey Wally I..I've decided to join you, where's your hotel? I'll meet you there tomorrow" he says with a smile.

And a few months later

Jim and Wally have been to 6 different countries together. After spending some time after London in Canada with Wally Jim finally feels alive. Stopping in Japan for the remainder of the month Jim realizes.. he's fallen in love.

With everyone having their happen endings, Crowley and Aziraphale are off to more adventures, excited for what is in store for them in the new age of humanity and beyond.

The End

(Please read onward to the Authors note! Thanks!)

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