𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"While you were helping them get settled inside I figured out where the third apostle is, it's not too far out, it's in a small village" says Crowley looking over at Aziraphale seeing him nod. As they take the short drive arriving in Castle Hedingham, Essex. Looking around Aziraphale smiles looking out the window "It's a beautiful village, I wonder what the Apostle looks like" Crowley nods coming to a slow stop just outside of a small school house seeing Aziraphale go quiet. Blinking his eyes go back to normal they both look at a woman in her late 60's walking down the steps waving with a warm smile. Stepping out they greet her "Hello gentlemen I am Mrs. Windzer or Madeline if you'd like" she says sweetly making Aziraphale smile. "Hello, we've been sent to tell you a very important message-" she stops him "Hun, I already know why you need me, my kiddo's are going to be taken care of for the rest of the day with a sub, now common we don't have much time do we?" she says walking to the car looking back at the pair stare blankly with small nods. 

Shutting the car door as he gets in Crowley starts to drive back looking over at Aziraphale "How is she the apostle for strength? I'm sorry but shes an elder" Aziraphale smiles "Her strength isn't in her physical form, but her mental form" looking back at her through the mirror Crowley catches her glance seeing her smile with a small wave. "You know I've been teaching for a few decades now, I have a degree in most of the sciences, mathematics and history so I know all about you two" she laughs a bit. "Your name is Aziraphale yes?" catching him off guard she sees him nod looking back at her. "The Angel who guarded the garden of Eden, how wonderful and you must be Crowley, or your former name Crawly considering you were the snake that tempted Adam and Eve" Crowley nods with a blank face staring out at the road. Aziraphale smiles "Well if you know all that the you must know what you represent as one of the Apostles" she nods  "I represent strength, knowledge is power after all" she smiles looking back out the window.

After dropping Mr. Windzer off at the book shop to get acquainted with the other Apostles,  Aziraphale and Crowley take  some time to stop by Crowley's house to figure out what to do with the Apostles once they have them together. Taking a seat in his office Crowley looks over at Aziraphale who is already pacing "So do we even know what happens when they all come together?" Aziraphale nods no walking up to the front of his desk. Leaning on his arm Crowley sighs trying to think but the buzzing from the light in the room keeps catching his attention. "God dammit, I'm going to have to call an electrician" Aziraphale watches him walk into the other room, following after. "Why don't you just fix it yourself?" Crowley shrugs "Why bother besides I've been doing too much snapping my fingers are starting to hurt" he laughs a bit hearing someone answer the phone.

To Be Continued...

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