𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Looking outside seeing the sun setting Aziraphale feels his heart beating fast as he walks over to the group "We only have 4 hours left, please tell me you've come up with something" looking through the crowd he waits for an answer. Pushing through from the back Wilfred fixes his glasses walking over with a large paper with sketches of constellations. "It'll all begin here under these three stars tonight at midnight we all must go and there we will finalize our plan" Aziraphale nods. "But, how are we all going to get there?" asks Liam. Looking at Crowley Aziraphale smiles a bit "Oh no, all 13 of us aren't fitting in my Bentley-"

managing to make the Bentley into a clown car everyone-uncomfortably- sits on top of one another and roughly three in the front seat. "Where are we even going??" shouts Crowley clearly irritated that his leather seats are now going to be dented and scratched. "Gunnersury Triangle" says Aziraphale squished between Liam and Madeline. Suddenly Crowley hits the gas and everyone is pushed back with a few yelps "Oh lord here we go" shouts Priest Nishi from the back. 

After driving at 90 mph the whole way there the group finally piles out of the car as the clock read 11:59 on the dot. Looking at his watch clutching the book he's been writing him Aziraphale shouts "Only a minute left! What's the last step Wilfred?" he turns to him standing by Madeline flirting a bit making him smile a bit. "We don't have time to be flirty, when the world is saved you can do all that now we need to know what to do" says Crowley walking between the two facing Wilfred. "W-Well, everyone gather in a large circle in the center of the triangle leave at least a few feet in between and wait, the stars will align any moment now and it should work out from there" he says fixing his glasses staring at Crowley.

As the 12 center in the middle of the field Aziraphale stays back watching and waiting to see his watch counting down. Looking up at the sky seeing the stars Wilfred was talking about aligning under each Apostle he stares in awe as the clock strikes midnight. As the ground begins to shake vigorously simultaneously the sky suddenly gets engulfed in a bright white light. Staring in awe and in fright the 12 apostles take each other hand in hand "Whatever is supposed to happen it better happen now!!" shouts Crowley staring up with a worried stare.

To Be Continued...

Blissful BalladDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora