"I'm going to make a Toastie, do you want one?"

"I ate before I got here. But what's a toastie?" The lie slipped from jaspers tongue easily having many excuses for times like these but he hated to say it to her. He didn't want to have to lie to her ever and that's what he was doing

"It's what I eat almost every day when I get home from school. I put, bread, butter and ham inside and then put it in the toastie maker. It's so good!" Hazel squealed happily. She started to assemble it and then pressed it down firmly in the sand which toaster which lit up a red colour
"Now we wait"


"Can you just stay for 5 more minutes?" Hazel questioned tiredly as she laid her head on jaspers shoulder. They had put on a short movie because the light wasn't good for her eyes when she was recovering from a concussion

"Five more minutes" he mumbled in defeat which made her smile

"Five more minutes" she repeated quietly as her eyes started to shut. Jasper could feel how tired she was so he decided to send her more just so she could fall asleep easier wanting her sleep to be as peaceful as possible

When he realised that his powers were actually working on her this time he frowned. Why hasn't it worked before?

Once she was out he gently lifted her head and put it on a pillow. He then picked up a blanket from the couch and placed it over her body before he left


HAZEL CREPT UP TO HER DOOR THE NEXT DAY AS SHE TRIED TO SNEAK OUT. She was hoping she would get to school early and then tell Rosalie that she was there because she didn't want to stay at home again

The door opened with a creak and she stepped out of her house and turned to lock the door

"What are you going?" Hazel gasped, turning around in shock only to see Rosalie stood there with her arms around her chest

"What are you doing here?" She asked back

"I knew you would do something like this so I came here earlier, rightfully so. Now what are you doing?" Hazel sighed

"I feel fine rose. Honest" Rosalie's face straightened out

"How? You have a concussion?"

"Yeah but i feel fine. I think I should be allowed to go to school"

"Fine. I'll compromise. You stay home today and tomorrow you can go school"

"But tomorrow's Saturday"


"Rose" it came out in an almost whine
"Pleaseeee" she shook her head and placed her hands on hazels shoulders and directed her back in the house


Rosalie went home that day around 6pm and immediately walked into the living room where everyone is and face planted on the couch. For a vampire that couldn't get tired, she was exhausted

"How is she Rosalie?" Jasper questioned wanting to know how his mate was

"Completely healed for one"

"Completely?" Carlisle questioned

"Yep. She tried to sneak off like Alice said but I stopped her and then we just hung out for the day"

Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now