(Gotta ask a normal question or they might become suspicious)

Hirata then proceeded to explain the incident and how horikita saved their points

(Yeah yeah Horikita saved you)

"I see Horikita San really saved us there"


All four of them agreed

"So... Yoshida kun have you found out the culprit?"

The atmosphere suddenly got tense

"Yeah... although I am not 100% sure I think it was Ibuki but don't just blame her now because I said it."

"What made you think its her"

"Well there were two reasons

1. None of the boys entered girls tent even once except Hirata.

2.Ibuki was the only outsider who had access to the girls tent so she could have taken the underwear to create dispute between us

And as for the underwear in question I found it lying in the forest near one of the girls tent so I returned it to Hirata as he is the boyfriend of karuizawa"

(Well of course all of this was a lie)

"Why did not you told us this
hirata kun?"

"Well I told him not to because I took the responsibility to find the culprit."

"I see. Thank you yoshida kun"

Karuizawa thanked me

"Your welcome. well let's just forget that happened and move on"

"Yeah.. You are right"

Suddenly we all received a mail in our phone

(Looks like its time)

At the same time, an announcement started over the ship's speakers.

"This is an announcement to all students, you will have received a mail to your phones earlier. Check the contents of the mail and follow those instructions closely. If you have not received the mail, please contact your nearest available faculty member. This is a very important announcement so please make sure to not miss it. I repeat-"

I opened my phone

The following was written on the mail in my phone:

"A special examination will be starting soon. Gather at the designated time in the designated rooms. Students who are more than 10 minutes late for the meeting will receive a penalty. Go to room 204 on the second floor by 18:00 today. Since there is only 20 minutes left until then, please wash your hands and keep your phone in silent mode or turn it off entirely."

"what are your appointed time?"

Hirata asked


I replied

"Oh mine too"

Karuizawa replied

"Mine is 19:00"

Matushita and sato said

"I see mine is 18:30"

Hirata said

"Well see you guys later then"

I departed from there

(Looks like I am in ayanokoji's group... I wonder who got removed if I was there. Let's hope its not ayanokoji himself)

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