He turned and standing that the beginning of the hall, was a young woman. She had long black hair reaching past her hips, her eyes matching the same color of her hair. Dark and that what's took him back from the angry glare that she casted on him. It signal that he wasn't sure how to read. Not to make ware that he knew about her, he smiled waving politely.

"I'm Audrina's friend.... You must be her cousin. She's mentioned you a lot."

Rin knew who he was. That's why she was so cold to him instantly. There was only one person that Audrina called outside the Sohma clan. She did expect him to recognize her however. She wasn't going to be so secretive. She was willing to confront. Him. Audrina had just returned. Rin didn't want anyone else to interfere.

Audrina may have left the first time, but her doing it a second time was something that Rin couldn't afford to happen. Everyone needed her.

"I told you to stay away from her.", Kieran was taken back by her strict tone. His eyes widened not expecting the conversation to steer so quickly. Let alone him recognizing him. So there was no point in masking his oblivious nature.

He sighed as he took to standing, placing his water on the side table, "Look I know I'm a new face. But-."

"I don't care", Rin interrupted him, "You need to leave before she gets hurt."

Kieran was instantly on the defense. All his assumptions about who the other person Rin was talking about made him conclude something completely different. She was worried that's her hurt her. Her past relationship must have broken up terribly. Or maybe the relationship was abusive. But he still wasn't aware of the full story.

"I see. There's nothing between us yet. But just know I would never hurt her. Your cousin is safe with me. Scouts honor.", he joked.

Rin still glared at him with a expression similar to disgust. She turned back to look at the room, ensuring that Audrina was still in there. Of course she occupied the room at the very end of the hallway so she didn't hear anything was going on. She assumed Rin was sleeping, and hoped her to continue. But bog course her luck wasn't the best. Turning back she shook her head, the hair glowing with each motion.

"Leave her alone. I won't tell you again."

Kieran scrunched his eyebrows. There was way more to what he was assuming. He could basically look at Rin and see how tense she was. It wasn't about him. It went beyond. But before he could ask Rin spun around to head back to her room.

"Hey wait", he called. Rin stopped. Not turning around, instead she let her hault make ware that she heard him. Kieran took a step forward, "I'm sorry.... I'm not understanding. Care to explain to me why?"

Rin glanced over her shoulder, her eyes peering into his with so much intensity that he wasn't used to. He wished to turn away but that wasn't going to make his any better. Rin was trying to think of any way to send him away. Warning him.  But he was persistent. However his goal was clearly different from Tohru. Tohru was focused on the entire Sohma clan. But Kieran had only met Audrina and there was clear concern and curiosity that circled around Audrina it hard for Rin to do anything. She was trying to think of any way to keep him from her.

But she saw it. She saw the look he gave her. Even without mentioning her name, he wanted to know more than why. He wanted to know what's going on behind the scenes. What was Audrina keeping from him, that had led him to be asking a teenager for more information. He wasn't yet to the point of desperation but, he had reached the point of overwhelmed curiosity.

  "She's cursed.", Rin whispered.

"Excuse me", he said. Confused on her meaning behind such a short phrase.

"You're an idiot for wasting your time with her. The only result that has come out of dating a Sohma is deat-."

"Rin", Audrina's silk voice came from the end of the hall. Rin didn't bother to look at her, she continued to stare deep into Kieran's eyes. Those that forgot about the teenager entirely and looked to the woman behind her. And he has yet to see until that moment, a look of true fear in her eyes. While her facial expression said other wise, she was neutral, like what Rin said wasn't enough to scare a child. And at that turned, not bothering to acknowledge her. She walked into her room and shut the door. Leaving the two adults on opposite ends.

She only heard the last phrase. And that was enough to send her heart racing a mile a minute. She knew the consequences of bringing Kieran here, but she would have sent him away if she knew it would end up like that. She looked at Rin's door for a few more seconds not knowing what to do next.

"Cursed?", his word made her flinch. She tried her best. The best she could to preventing that word from escaping his lips, but when she looked to him, Kieran had the face of concern.

She had to play it off. Letting the dark casting of the hallway be her backup, she took the time to deeply exhale gathering her thoughts for the part to play in this. That is when she spoke lightly, walking down the hall, leading herself to him. To make it somewhat believable she lightly chuckled when in the inside she was burning. Not with rage but, regret. Regret for ever letting this get as far as she did. He was in her home. He bought her favorite drink. She told him about her parents. So many lines have been crossed and it lead here. She was going to go to the play, have fun with him for the last time. She was done. After this.

That was final as soon as she saw Rin out of her room. She made the decision before Rin spoke. Because her two worlds colliding was more than just a culture difference. It was a fine line between life and death.

"Yea... cursed", she gestured with quotations, "It's just something my cousins say to scare people. Trust me it's just them being weird. I'm sure Kayla does silly things like that."

Kieran placed his hands in his pockets, eyeing her up and down with a new found perspective. He knew she was lying. "Not really."

"Give it a couple of more years", she walked by him. "You ready?"

She changed into silk flare pants the mimicked the hue of deep forest. Paired with short sleeve white bodysuit. Her hair was in a low puff, keeping a few curly strands loose to decorate her face. Ready to advert the conversation to literally anything else. Kieran had other plans.

  "Audrina please.... Can we talk?"

She closed her eyes tight, dreading the simple thought of facing him. But she did. Turned around, to face him. Those brown-green eyes looked back. "Talk about what?", she played it off.

Kieran's mouth opened in disbelief. He tried again, "I don't want to intrude really. But that didn't sound like she was kidding."

"Kieran", she chuckled, "I promise you she is just being scary."


"But..", she smiled innocently tilting her head, "The play will be starting soon. So we'd better at least be there a little early yes?"

He sighed. Still not being satisfied despite starting to finally see more. But without giving him a chance, Audrina started towards her front door. She grabbed her bag, and turned the knob realizing that he wasn't behind her. He still was looking at her with such skepticism that she was close to calling "fake sick" instantly. She had to bare through. He was getting to close. She knew better. But it was better sooner than later she realized how much her guard has been lowered.

It was due time for her not to move on.... Ayame was wrong. There is nothing good to come out of it.

He was looking at someone completely different than when they first met. 5 years ago. He was already curious. But now there was more to it. Way more.

"Yea.... Sure", he mumbled following behind her, closing the door as soon as he exited.

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