Liam goes on a rampage

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After Niall told the boys, what he found out, Liam definitely lost his temper.

"Her real dad, showed up, to our concert, and took her? Then he hurt the poor girl?!" Liam said, while standing up.

"Yeah, he did." Niall said, a bit scared of Liam.

"I'm going to kill him!" Liam said, then he tried to leave the bus, but Niall stopped him, and sat him back down on the couch.

"You can't, he's in jail now. He was arrested for what he did to Angel." Niall said to him, while Harry and Louis held him down. Liam seemed to calm down a little, after Niall told him that my dad was in jail.

"Good, I hope he stays there, until he dies! He doesn't deserve to be free. Where's Angel? I want to make sure she's ok." Liam said.

"She's in bed." Niall told him.

"Ok, I'm going to check on her." Liam got free from the guys, and walked towards the bunks. I ran to my bunk, and got in, before Liam saw me.

"Hey Angel, are you ok sweetheart?" Liam asked me, when he got to my bunk.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said, as I pulled the curtain back.

"I'm glad you're ok sweetheart. I hope we never have to see your dad again, or I will kill him. He should have never hurt you. You didn't deserve that, ok?" He said to me, while trying to keep calm.

"I know Liam, thanks, and I'm sure we won't be seeing him for a while."

"I sure hope so. How do we know if he's even your real dad?" Liam asked.

"He knew my name. So I assume, he really is my dad."

"Yeah, well, for all we know he was at the concert that you got to go to, when Niall adopted you, and introduced you to the crowd. He could've just said he was your dad, so you would trust him." Liam said, getting angry.

"Please calm down, I don't like when people are angry around me, and besides, I didn't trust him, he took me. I wanted nothing to do with him, and even tried to back away from him, but he grabbed me, and left the building with me." I said, standing up for myself. I didn't like that he assumed I trusted that man, then left with him.

"I know Angel, I'm sorry. I know you didn't leave with him. I'm just angry, that he took you and hurt you. Has Niall given you your meds yet?"

"No, but I'm fine. I'm not hurting."

"I'm glad to hear that. You are one tough kid. I'm so glad that you are ok."

"Me too. I'm going to take a nap now, goodnight Liam. I love you."

"Goodnight Angel, I love you too." He kissed my head, and tucked me in. Then he closed my curtain and left me alone. I snuggled with my blankets and went to sleep for two hours, before Niall woke me up.

"Hey Angel, we are about to go in the arena for our concert. Why don't you get up, and go get dressed." He said to me.

"I thought you guys weren't performing tonight." I said, half asleep.

"We weren't, but someone asked us to do a Collab with them, and we agreed. So, now we are performing tonight. Please get up, and get dressed."

"I really don't want to get up. I want to sleep." I said, a little agitated. I really was hoping to rest today. I heard Niall sigh, then he picked me up.

"Put me down!" I screamed at him. I didn't like being picked up, not after what my dad did to me. Niall put me down, and I pushed him away from me. Then I took off to the bathroom, and got dressed. While I was changing, I heard the boys talking to Niall.

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