Back on the road

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Once we left the hospital, we got on the bus, and I went to the back room with Liam. I needed to talk to him, especially after everything I heard while I was in the hospital. We sat on the bed, and stayed quiet for a little while, before Liam spoke.

"What's up Angel? You know you can talk to me, right?" He asked a little concerned.

"Yeah, I know. It's just, I heard everything you said to Niall, while I was in the hospital, and I need to talk to you about that." I said, not wanting to have this conversation. But, at the same time, I did. I needed to talk to him about that.

"Oh, look, I already apologized to Niall for what I said. I didn't mean it, I was just angry that you were in the hospital again. I just care about you, a lot."

"I know, and I appreciate that, but I would love it, if you didn't act that way around me, I can't handle angry people around me."

"Does it have to do with your parents?"

"No, I was never around my parents. I've been in the orphanage since I was born. I'm just a very sensitive kid, that's why I can't handle angry people around me."

"Oh, ok. Well, I'm sorry Angel, it won't happen again."

"Thanks, I appreciate that. But, I still need to talk to you about something else. When I was in the hospital, I heard you say that you would take care of me, if Niall didn't start being a good father to me. That you loved me like your own child. Did you really mean that?" He sighed to himself, and looked away from me.

"In a way, yes. I do love you, like you were my own kid, and you do deserve the best father you can get. Which is Niall, he cares for you, and wants the very best for you. I shouldn't have gotten on to him, the way that I did, and I feel really bad for the way I treated him. But, I promise, I won't do it again."

"Thanks Liam, you're the best God father I could ever ask for." I said, as I got up, and hugged him around his neck. He was shocked at first, but then hugged me back.

"You're welcome baby girl." He kissed the side of my head, then let go of me. I let go of him, and he left the room. I left the room too, but went to my bunk, and took a nap.

Later that day, I went to the front of the bus, to get something to eat. I noticed it was very quiet in the bus, and it usually isn't this quiet. Especially with four boys in here. I looked around the bus, but couldn't find anyone. I guess they left the bus.

I got myself a bowl of Reese's puff cereal. Then I got the milk out of the fridge. I sat down at the round table, in the corner, and ate my food. When I was done eating, I put my bowl in the sink, and was about to head back to my bunk, when I heard someone open the door to the bus.

I panicked, and ran to my bunk. I didn't know who was coming in, but I didn't want to find out, until I heard a voice I knew. When I didn't hear anyone talking, I had a bad feeling about who came in the bus.

"Angel, are you awake?" I heard Niall say. I took a deep breath, and calmed down. I'm so glad to hear his voice.

I climbed out of my bunk. "Yes. Where is everyone?" I asked, a little confused.

"In the arena, we are about to perform soon, but I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Oh, I'm fine. Can I come with you though? I don't want to be alone." I said, trying to hide the fact that I was scared.

"Sure, that's fine with me." I smiled and grabbed his hand. Then we left the bus, and walked in the building. I stayed in Niall's dressing room, while he and the guys performed. When they got on stage, there was a knock on the dressing room door. Who is that? I wondered. I made the mistake of opening the door. I saw my dad standing there.

"Why are you here?" I asked a little scared.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here, Angel. Now let's go, before those boys get back." He said a little annoyed.

"No! I'm not leaving with you. You aren't suppose to be here anyways." I said annoyed with him.

He got angry, and grabbed me by the arm. I tried fighting him off, but he wouldn't let go of me. Thankfully, a security guard say what was going on, and pulled my dad away from me. I went back in the room, and shut the door.

When the boys finished performing, and were saying their goodbyes to the fans, I heard someone walk in the room. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

"Did you really think that security guard could get rid of me?" My dad asked annoyed.

"I was hoping he could." I said under my breath. But he heard me, and got angry. He yanked me up off the couch, and tried to leave the building with me. But, as soon as we were out of the room, the boys showed up. Liam was the first person I noticed, and he was fuming with anger. He had his hands balled up in a fist, and looked like he wanted to hurt my dad.

"Let her go." Liam said, trying not to yell at him.

"No, she is my daughter, and I am taking her home with me." He said, then he tried to walk away with me, but Liam grabbed my dad by the arm, while Niall gently grabbed me by the waist. Niall walked me out of the building, and took me to the bus.

"Are you ok, Angel?" He asked me, as soon as we were on the bus.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, upset. I'm really starting to hate my dad.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm going to bed. I don't want to talk about this right now." I said, then I went to my bunk, and went to sleep. For two weeks, I avoided talking about what happened. I even stayed on the bus, when the guys had to perform. I guess you could say, I had become depressed again. On the third week, Niall, and Liam, were constantly bugging me about telling them what happened. I got so frustrated, that I finally told Liam what happened.

Starting with how my dad showed up, when they got on stage, and tried to leave with me. But a security guard saw what was happening, and got my dad to leave me alone. Then, I told him how my dad showed up again when they were saying goodbye to their fans. Liam was angry, and sad, at the same time. He hugged me, and I cried in his shoulder.

He held me for thirty minutes, before I calmed down. Once I was calm, I went to my bunk, and laid down for the rest of the day.

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