Telling Niall what happened

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The next morning, I woke up by myself, in Niall's room. I could smell breakfast being cooked. I got out of bed, and went to the front of the bus.

"Morning sunshine." Niall said to me.

"Morning daddy. What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Breakfast." He said, sarcastically.

"I know that part, but what is it?"

"Eggs, and bacon. Hope your hungry."

"Not really." I said honestly. I haven't been hungry, since my dad hurt me. Niall looked at me worried.

"Are you serious?" He said, a bit sad.

"I am. I'm not really hungry, I really just want to be in bed." I said, then I sat down on the couch, and hugged myself. Just then, the other boys walked in.

"Hey guys, you mind watching the food? I need to talk to my daughter." Niall asked them.

"Sure mate, it's no problem." Harry said to him.

"Thanks." Niall said, then he walked up to me.

"Why don't we go to the backroom, and talk?" Niall said to me. I nodded my head, and lifted my arms. He picked me up, and took me to his room. Then he sat down on the bed, with me in his lap.

"What happened baby?" He asked me.

"My dad was the person who took me, and he hurt me." I said, sad.

"Oh Angel. I'm sorry you got hurt. I will have more securities out, when we are performing. That way, this doesn't happen again."

"I doubt that will help. He will probably find a way around them, and come after me again." I said upset. I got up and went to my bunk. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I stayed in my bunk for the rest of day, and didn't bother going to eat. Niall tried to get me up a few times, but I ignored him. I really wanted to be alone. By five, Niall came and bothered me again.

"Angel hunny, you need to come eat. You haven't eaten all day." He said worried.

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled at him. I heard him sigh, then I was picked up. He took me to his room, and sat down on the bed, with me in his lap.

"Care to tell me what all happened?" He asked me.

"I don't know how to explain it. I just know that, he hurt me. In ways he probably shouldn't have."

"Like, how?" He asked, a little upset.

"I don't know how to tell you. I really don't."

"I bet the hospital could have told me, if you gave them permission to."

"Well, it's too late for that." I said a little angry.

"I can take you to a doctor, and they can tell me what happened to you."

"Ok then, I guess we can do that."

"Ok, I'm going to call a doctor, and see if they can see you right away." He left the room to go call a doctor. I just sighed to myself. I wish I knew how to tell him, what my dad did to me. Then, this could be avoided. A few minutes later, Niall came back to the room.

"Hey Angel, I got a doctor who can see you today. So, I'm having my bus driver drop us off at the doctor's office."

"Ok, I'm going to lay down, until we get there." I said, then I left the room. I wasn't able to lay down for long, before we got to the doctor's office.

"Come on Angel, we're here." I heard Niall say.

"Ok." I groaned, then I got out of bed, and we left the bus. We walked in the building, and went to the doctor's office. I was a little thankful that the doctor was a girl.

"Hello, you must be Angel." The doctor said to me. I just nodded my head yes, and hid behind Niall.

"Sorry, she's a little shy." He said to her.

"It's ok. Can you get her on the bed for me?" She asked Niall.

"Sure." He picked me, and set me down on the bed.

"Are you going to be ok, Angel?" Niall asked me quietly.

"I don't know, I'm really nervous." I said honestly.

"It's going to be ok, I'm here, and I will be by your side the whole time."

"Thanks Daddy, I'm really happy to hear that."

"Ok sweetheart, I need you to tell me where you were hurt." The doctor said to me.

"My stomach, and lower area." I said, a little scared. Niall hugged me.

"Is it ok, if I take a look at your lower area?" The doctor asked me. I just nodded my head yes, nervously. I just wanted this over with. Niall stayed by my side, and held my hand, to keep me calm. He knew I didn't like this, and he was trying to keep me calm. A few minutes later, and the doctor was done.

"You were definitely hurt. May I talk your dad for a minute?" She asked me. I just nodded my head. Then they walked off to the side. I still heard everything they said though.

"Who did this to her?" The doctor asked Niall.

"Her real dad. I adopted her a few weeks ago."

"Well, the child's father raped her. Has she been seen before today?"

"She was in the hospital, after the cops found her. That's all I know." He said upset.

"Ok, I'm going to send some prescriptions home with you. I want you to make sure she takes them twice a day."

"I will, thank you for seeing my daughter."

"You're welcome." The doctor walked out of the room after that. Niall walked up to me, and sat down next to me.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again. I will not let anyone hurt you again." He said, then he started crying, and hugged me as tight as he could, without hurting me.

"Daddy, are you ok?" I asked him.

"No baby, I'm not. I am going to have to tell the boys about this when we get back, and they aren't going to be happy." He said, while trying to stop crying.

"I can be there with you." I said. He looked at me, and slightly smiled.

"Thanks sweetheart, but I don't think you want to hear this conversation. Liam is very protective, and he's going to lose it, when he hears this." He said, a little scared.

"Oh, ok." Was I was able to say, before my doctor walked in the room.

"Ok, here's the prescriptions I have for you. You are free to leave." She said, as she handed Niall the prescriptions.

"Thanks." He said, then we left the building. Niall drove us back to the bus, and I could tell he was nervous about the conversation he will be having with the boys, when we get back. He was very fidgety, and couldn't seem to sit still.

When we got back to the bus, I went to my bunk. I heard Niall call for the boys, to come to the living room. I listened in on their conversation.

"What's up Niall, what's wrong?" Liam asked him, when he noticed Niall was pacing the room.

"You boys need to sit down, before I tell you." Niall said, nervously. Everyone, but Niall and Liam, sat down. Liam crossed his arms.

"I'm not going to sit, until you tell me what is going on." He said, as if he was a dad talking to a child.

"Liam, I'm telling you, you need to sit down for this conversation. Especially since you may lose your temper, after I tell you." Liam hesitated for a minute, before joining Louis and Harry on the couch, with a huff.

"Ok, now that you all are sitting down. I had to take Angel to the doctors. She had told me that her dad was the person who took her, and that he hurt her. But, she didn't know how to explain what he did to her. That's when I called a doctor, and was able to get Angel seen, so I could know what her father did to her. As much as I didn't want to hear it, I knew I needed to know. The doctor checked her out, and told me that her dad raped her. She gave me some prescriptions for Angel, to take twice a day. I was really hoping that her dad didn't hurt her. But, of course, he did." Niall said, trying not to cry again. I looked at Liam, and he was angry.

"What!?" Liam said losing his temper.

Adopted by Niall Horan जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें