Angel goes missing

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Niall's POV
After we were done performing, we said good night to our fans, and left the stage. I was the first to walk off. When I got off stage, I noticed Angel wasn't here. At first, I didn't worry about it, because I figured she just got tired and went to my dressing room, or the bus. So, I checked the dressing room, but she wasn't there. Then, I went to the bus, and looked everywhere for her. But I couldn't find her. I got the boys and told them what was going on, then we all went out looking for her. We looked for two hours, before I called the cops. Oh Angel, where are you? Please be ok. I said to myself. I was worried by this point, and was wanting to freak out. But I know I shouldn't. I cried to myself, and the boys hugged me.

"It's ok Niall, we'll find her." Harry said to me.

"I sure hope so. I hope she doesn't get hurt. I will never forget myself, if she does." I said, while trying to calm down. The boys took me back to the bus, and I went to bed. I couldn't sleep though. Not with the thought of Angel being kidnapped. I just hope that, whoever took her, won't hurt her. The next morning, I got up, and left, without eating breakfast. I needed to find my daughter. I spent the entire day looking for her. Asking for a sign, as to where she could be. By 2pm I received a call. It was an unknown number. But I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, is this Niall?" A man's voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked, a little concerned.

"This is sheriff Mark. I am calling you to let you know that we found your daughter, and she's going to a hospital." I heard the man say. I felt my heart break.

"What happened?" I was barely able to ask.

"We don't know a lot, but we do know that she was hurt."

"Ok, what hospital is she being taken to?" I asked him. He told me the name of the hospital, and I thanked him. Then I hung up, and went to the hospital. Once I got there I asked for Angel's room number, but they wouldn't allow me to see her.

"She's my daughter, why can't I see her?!" I asked, getting angry.

"Because, she's not in any condition to have visitors today. You can come back tomorrow." The lady at the front said. I got angry and left. At least I know she'll be safe for the night. The next day, after my sound check, I went back to the hospital, to try and see if I could visit Angel. When I got there, I went to the front desk and asked the lady for Angel's room number. She told me her room number, and I took off to see her. When I got to her room, I walked up, and knocked on her door. Even though it was open. She looked at me, then looked away.

"Hey Angel, what's wrong?" I asked her, as I walked up to her, and knelt down. I tried to grab her hand, but she pulled it away from me.

"I don't want to talk to you." She said, mad.

"What did I do?" I asked upset. I didn't like her mad at me.

"You didn't protect me!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. But, I had to perform, and I didn't know anyone could get back stage. I'm really sorry Angel."

"Whatever, just leave me alone." As soon as she said that, her nurse walked in.

"Maybe it's best, if you come by another time. She's been really upset, since she's been here." Her nurse said to me.

"What happened to her?" I asked worried.

"She has to tell you, when she's ready. For now, I think it's best, if you leave." I sighed and got up. I kissed Angel's head.

"Bye Angel, I'll come back for you later." I said to her. She just nodded her head.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her nurse.

"Sure." We walked out of the room, and she closed the door.

"Look, I'm a famous singer, in a band, and we are currently touring. Is there a way you can release her, by this evening? I don't want to leave her behind." I said, a little worried.

"I will see what I can do. But, I don't think it will be a problem."

"Thanks. I'll be back later this evening for her." I said, then I left the hospital. I went back to my bus, and got ready for our concert tonight. Once I was ready, I went inside the arena, and waited in my dressing room.

Angel's POV
"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" My nurse asked me, when she walked in my room. I haven't really spoken to anyone, after my dad showed up at the concert, and took me. I just didn't want to talk to anyone, and I definitely didn't want to talk about what happened. Niall was only person I had spoken to, and even then, I didn't say much. I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"I see, you still aren't talking, huh?" She asked. I just shook my head no.

"Are you hurting?" She asked. I shook my head no again.

"Ok then, if you are hurting, let me know. Your dad wanted me to try and release you this evening, since he's touring. Are you ok with that?" I just nodded my head yes.

"Ok, I'll have you released, when he gets here." She walked out of the room, after saying that. I sighed to myself. I know Niall is going to constantly ask what happened, but I won't be able to tell him. Mainly since, I don't know how. Around 10pm Niall showed up, and took me to his bus, that was waiting outside for us. He put me in my bunk, and tucked me in. Then, he kissed my head, and said good night.

"Good night Angel, I love you." I just rolled my eyes, and faced my back towards him. He sighed, closed my curtain, then went to his room. I tried going to sleep, but I kept waking up from the memory of what my dad did to me. I got out of my bunk, and went to Niall's room. I walked in the room, then closed the door, and got in bed with him. I snuggled up next to him, and he wrapped an arm around me. I smiled to myself, and went to sleep.

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