Christmas time

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Three months later, Christmas week.

"Angel, come down." I heard Niall say. We were home for the week of Christmas, and I was in my room. Niall had a two story house, that was more of a mansion. I have gotten lost in the house a few times, and had to get Niall to rescue me. But, I think I finally have the house figured out.

I left my room, and started heading towards the stairs... or, at least, I think I'm heading to the stairs. When I realized I was going in circles, again, I yelled for Niall.

"Dad, I think I'm lost again!" I yelled.

"Ay Angel, you are killing me." He said sarcastically. I just laughed to myself. I love how he gets sarcastic with me sometimes. I heard him walk up the stairs and started looking for me.

"Where are you, Angel?" He asked.

"Um, somewhere." I said. I heard him sigh, and walk towards the area I was at.

"I swear, I am going to label every inch of the house, until you can remember where to go." He said, half joking, half serious. I giggled, and ran around the hall, until I ran into him.

"OOF." I said, thinking I ran into a wall.

"I found you!" Niall said, while he started tickling me. I giggled, and fell to the floor. He stopped tickling me, and we went down stairs together.

"You know, I knew the way down, I just got lost on purpose." I said, laughing.

He gave a look that said seriously. I just grinned at him. "Girl, I will tickle torture you, just for that." I jokingly gasped, and ran around the house, with Niall chasing me. This went on for about thirty minutes. Then we settled down in the living room.

"Now that I have you down stairs, and sitting, I would like to ask you, if you would like to go see Santa clause?" He asked a bit nervous.

"Yes, I would!" I said excited. I have never seen Santa before. I ran up to my room, and got dressed, then I went back down stairs, where Niall was making us breakfast. As soon as we were done eating, we left the house.

Niall drove us to a mall, and we walked around until we found where Santa was. We got our picture taken with him, and Santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I had to think about it for awhile.

"Um, I really don't know what I want. I Got the one thing I wanted, and that was a family. Even if it's just a dad, and three god father's, I'm still really happy. I love my dad, and god father's." I said honestly. I really am happy with Niall and the other boys. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"I'm really glad to here, that you have everything you want. You are a sweet kid." Santa said to me.

"Thanks, it was nice meeting you." I said. Then I got up, and walked away. Niall followed behind me, and got a copy of our picture.

"Did you really mean everything you said?" He asked me, after he was done paying for the picture, and we walked away.

"Yes, I really don't want anything. Just having you and the other three, is all I need. I love you dad." I said, and hugged him.

"I love you too baby girl." He said, as he hugged me back.

We left the mall, and went back home. For the rest of the week, Niall, and the boys, kept trying to ask me what I wanted for Christmas, so, eventually, I said, toys, and a phone. That way I had a way of contacting them, if anything happened. By Christmas day, everyone had gifts for each other.

On Christmas day, around 9am, Niall came up to my room, to wake me up. He gently shook me awake.

"Angel baby, it's Christmas. Come down stairs and open some presents." Niall said to me. I groaned, and rolled over. I didn't want to get up yet. I wanted to stay in bed.

"Come on Angel, don't make me carry you down stairs." He said, in a pleading way. But, I ignored him. I really wanted to sleep. I didn't sleep well last night, due to nightmares, and I wasn't ready to get up. I heard Niall sigh, then I was picked up. He carried me out of the room, and down the stairs. Once we were in the living room, he set me down on the couch, next to Liam. I snuggled up to Liam, and tried to go back to sleep.

"Is she feeling ok?" Liam asked, worried.

"Yeah, she just didn't want to get out of bed yet." Niall said, like he knew for sure, that I was fine.

"Are you ok Angel?" Liam asked me, quietly. I just nodded my head yes. I was too tired to talk.

"Ok sweetheart, but you know you can talk to me, Right?" He asked, concerned. I just nodded my head yes, again, and tried to go back to sleep. Liam played with my hair, and I fell asleep for an hour. When I woke up again, I was still in Liam's arms, and he was watching a movie. The other three were in here, watching the movie as well. I sat up, and Liam noticed that I was awake.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" He asked me. That caught the boys attention. They all looked at me, when Liam asked that.

"I'm fine, I was just tired. I didn't sleep well last night." I said, a little shy, with all the guys starring at me.

"Are you ready for your presents now?" He asked, with a smile.

"I guess." I said, with a sigh.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Liam asked me.

"Not right now, I don't. I just want to get this over with." I said a little upset. Liam gave me a questionable look, but didn't ask, or say, anything.

Niall and the boys all grabbed their gifts they had, and started giving me my gifts first. I opened everyone's gifts and thanked them for it. Then the boys opened their gifts from each other. When we were done opening gifts, Liam and I went to my room, so I could talk to him.

I sat down on my bed, and Liam sat down next to me.

"What's wrong Angel?" He asked, as he rubbed my back.

"I didn't want you guys getting me anything. Just being a part of this family is all I ever wanted, and besides, I never got anything that I wanted before, so I don't bother asking for anything. Don't worry, I really appreciate everything you guys got me, but I really didn't want anything." I said honestly.

"We know Angel, we just didn't want you to feel left out, if you didn't get anything from us."

"I understand, and thanks. I really like the gifts from you guys, and I can't wait to get back on tour with you guys." I said excited. I loved being on tour with them.

"We can't wait either." Liam said, then he kissed the side of my head. "Come back down stairs. Niall is making lunch for everyone, then the boys and I have to leave to get ready to go back on tour."

"Ok, I love you uncle Liam." He smiled when I called him that.

"I love you too baby girl." He left the room after he said that. I stayed in bed for a few minutes, before I joined everyone down stairs.

While Niall was cooking, the rest of us were in the living room, watching a movie. Once lunch was ready, we went to eat. The boys all talked for awhile, mainly about going back on tour. I just stayed quiet, and ate my food.

I wasn't in a talkative mood. This was my first Christmas with a family, and I loved it. But I still can't get past the other Christmas's I had. They were horrible. None of us kids got anything, or did anything. We were told to stay in our rooms and not ask for anything.

"Angel?" Niall asked a bit worried.

"Yes?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just not in a talkative mood, that's all." I said, with a small smile.

"Ok sweetheart, if you say so." I rolled my eyes, and stayed quiet for the rest of their conversation. Once they were done eating, and talking, the boys left to get ready to go back on tour.

"Angel, is there anything you want to talk about? I can tell something is up with you." He asked, a bit concerned.

"No, I just want to be alone." I said, then I walked away, and went to my room for the rest of the day.

Happy holidays everyone!

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