Later, Antonio and Adrianna take Aurelio, Gina, and Hector home, amid promises that they will update them immediately something happens, no matter the time. It is a tense night as people hope and pray that Aranza recovers. Gina, Hector, and Aurelio are relieved the next day is Saturday because they don't have to go to work or school.

The next day, Gina calls Antonio, to inquire how Aranza is doing. Her condition is still as bad as it was. Antonio is to come for them later in the day at noon, to take them to the hospital. He comes at noon with Adrianna. For much of the weekend, Aranza's condition remains unchanged.

Monday reaches again, and Adrianna and Antonio are back to work.

Isabella is annoyed that Antonio invited Gina and her family to go to the hospital to check on Aranza. She is concerned Antonio is becoming serious about Gina. Horacio is still back bugging Gina. He asks her out on a date, and she says she cannot go out with him because she is in no mood to go out. Mariana also tries to blatantly flirt with Hector, but he is even less into it.

Horacio is curious as to why Aranza's injury, sad as it is has affected Gina and Hector so much and asks her. Gina says Aranza has become like part of their family and is a friend. Antonio has been keeping in touch to know how Aranza is and updating the others, so they already know that Aranza has been put in a medically induced coma, to aid in her recovery.

Later, Aurelio comes and they all leave the office, for the hospital. Adrianna is allowed to go and see her but only for a few minutes. She prays for her cousin and tells her how much she loves her. Aranza is weak and getting weaker.

Two days later, in the evening the doctor says that Aranza is still very weak and her injuries are still severe. The doctor adds that she is however awake. Everyone is relieved. The doctor also says that Aranza has asked to see Hector, much to everyone's shock. The doctor starts by saying Aranza insisted she wants to see him and to avoid stressing her they agreed. He is told he cannot stay for long and cannot give her shocking news or stress her. The doctor adds that she is very drowsy and tired and is likely to drift off. Hector acts cool and downplays this.

He follows the nurse as he is directed to get a face mask and gloves. He is reminded of the time, as the doctor leaves. Aranza gives him a weak smile. He comes and kisses her on her forehead. Aranza says she is scared she will die. Hector says she should think positively, that God will heal her. He is surprised she asked to see him but is afraid to ask her because of her delicate condition. She tries to talk but he tells her to relax and not to use too much of her energy because she has a long journey to recovery.

Aranza glares at him but says she will recover so that they can go take photographs together again. She says she is tired and wants to sleep. He watches her sleep and then kisses her on the forehead. There is a flashback scene with him, Gina, Antonio, and Adrianna (aged 7, 7, 7, and 6) watching Aranza in her cot, as a newborn, 17 years ago. He says "I love you baby sis", and cries while he has one hand over her. He wipes the tears so that no one sees him crying and then leaves.

Alejandro is super irritated at Hector visiting Aranza. Even Helena is surprised. She asks him why Aranza asked to see him. Alejandro watches him keenly for signs of lying. Hector says he doesn't know and decided not to ask Aranza because she was too fragile. Adrianna asks him what Aranza said. Hector said she was afraid of dying and he told her that they are all praying for her and that the doctors are doing their best.

Later, Antonio and Adrianna take them home.

The next day at work, Hector notices, people are acting differently towards him, as they did with his sister because of the audio. Hector thinks and thinks but cannot come up with any reason he should be part of the topic of office gossip. He remembers Gina telling him that Martin helped her know what was going on when their coworkers were laughing behind her back.

Hector goes to look for Martin and asks to speak to him privately. He then asks Martin what is going on. Martin says people are talking about him and Adrianna. They are talking about Alejandro and how possessive and jealous he still acts over her. Martin adds that people are talking about how Alejandro's jealousy might make him do something irrational to him (Hector). Martin says that it might not be his business but as a cousin/best friend, he advises Hector to be careful. Hector tells him not to worry.

Later, Hector goes over what Martin said. He also remembers kissing Adrianna. He believes he is falling in love with her. He knows Adrianna even with her nonchalant attitude, loves him. He decides he will pursue her, and does not care about Alejandro.

At lunch, Emma notices Gina is quieter than usual. She asks her what is going on. Gina says she is thinking about the fact that Antonio has not even once mentioned the audio since it leaked. Emma says maybe he loves her too much and doesn't care or plans to seduce her in revenge. Gina rolls her eyes, the madness, Emma comes up with is ridiculous and tells her so.

Elsewhere, Emma adds that the fact that Gina is concerned so much means she loves him. Gina tells Emma she is being ridiculous. Isabella finds Antonio sitting alone, deep in his thoughts, and seats near him. Antonio is irritated. He cannot believe he was once ever in love with her. Isabella looks at Antonio and wonders what kind of spell has Gina woven on him. Despite the audio, Antonio did not even once react to it. In fact, he seemed even keener on romancing Gina like the audio never existed. Antonio was not known for being serious with relationships, but Isabella had the feeling Gina could make him serious.

In the evening, the four of them and Aurelio go to visit Aranza in hospital. Just as the doctor begins updating them, a colleague says that there is an emergency with Aranza, who is relapsing. Adrianna starts to cry and walks out of the room quickly. Hector follows her. He catches up with her in the hallways and guides her to the basement. It is not the ideal place, but it is the place least likely to interfere with patients, doctors, or patients' families.

Adrianna leans in and places her head on his shoulders. His clothes must be wet with tears but he does not care, if crying into his shoulders makes Adrianna feel better, why not? Anyway, it was because of a very special girl, someone they both loved very much.

Meanwhile back inside the hospital, the doctor adds that Aranza needs a blood transfusion. Antonio looks up momentarily, Aranza's blood group is very rare, and there has been a shortage of blood in local blood banks. He is worried.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now