Chapter Sixteen

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Fay Harlow

"WILL she be okay?" i hear a worried voice as a hand slips into mine, "I can't lose her."

"Mr Harlow," i hear a new voice, "As i said earlier we don't know if she will be okay, we had some implications during her surgery. It was difficult to locate all of the glass that was in her back, it's a matter of hoping we got it and hoping she wakes up."

The voices stopped for a while before eventually new ones would begin to speak, it felt as though it was a new day every time i would hear a new voice. I wanted to scream I CAN HEAR YOU! But i felt frozen, the only thing i could feel was someone touch my hand.

"How is she today?" The voice would of made me melt if i was able to open my eyes and feel my body, "she looks better."

"They took her back in for more surgery yesterday," I hear my father, "they didn't find anymore glass so they assumed it's all out, i just don't know why she won't wake up."

I feel something slip into my other hand, "You should go back to Joey's and get some rest sir," it was Western's hand, he sat on my right while my dad sat on the left.

He seemed to rarely leave my side so i thankful for Western reminding him he needed to be human every once and a while.

"It's not good for you to sit there twenty four seven, i can ring you or Joey if she wakes," West continues.

"I'm not sure if i can move Western," my dad's voice came out shaky, "I want to be here when she wakes up."

I feel Western lean forward, his hand sliding out from under mine for a moment, "i promise as soon as she opens those beautiful eyes of hers, you'll be called straight away."

I hear my dad sigh, "Okay," there was some shuffling before i feel something wet on my forehead, "I will be back in a couple of hours, thank you West."

I was met with silence and for a moment i thought i was about to drift back into the darkness as that seemed to happen regularly, i still wasn't sure what had happened at the apartment after Joey locked Noah down; everything was blank after that and now i couldn't move.

"I'm so sorry," I hear someone crying, "i saw all the signs but i ignored them because you promised you'd tell me if he was hurting you."

It was Western crying, i didn't know he could even feel such an emotion; my heart sunk as i feel him rest his head on my hand; his tears falling onto my skin.

"Please just wake up so i know you are okay," he whispers through his tears, "I'll understand if you never want to see me again since i couldn't protect you even when i was right there."

In my head i was screaming that i would never NOT want to see you again, that you should stop crying before i give you something to cry about because i am okay and none of this is anyones fault.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me," he says, i feel his forehead lifting from my hand and then something brushes against my forehead, "the morning you left, when i read your letter," he gulps, "i had this empty feeling inside of me as if i had lost something, i realised that even after only knowing you for a short amount of time i had never had a woman make me feel so fucking scared. Because of how i felt every time i would look at her. Even the slightest touch from you felt like the greatest euphoric feeling. When you left i realised how much in those few weeks of knowing you that I had fallen head over heels in love with you."

I couldn't comprehend anything he was saying because never have i ever heard someone speak such amazing words to me, words that i had needed to hear for years but felt as though i never deserved them.

"When Noah came," he sighs, "and i found out that you were someone else's already, that shit broke me and i wanted to murder him but i knew if i had hurt him you wouldn't speak to me anymore. So i did the best thing i could do which was distract myself with everything but then that fuck-wit had to go and make me his best man. I never liked him Fay, i pretended the whole time because i would rather see you happy even if it's with someone else then have you hate me forever if i didn't go along with it all."

I try so hard to wiggle my fingers to let him know i was here; even though i wanted to fucking scream that the i felt the same. I loved him so much that it hurt; that when i first met Noah i thought it was love at first sight that he was my forever and then i realised what true love was when we went on our trip to Branstock and he told me all the things he knew about me. Noah couldn't even remember my favourite drink, i knew i had deep feelings for Western but i just couldn't wrap my head around that it could of been love because i felt unworthy of such a feeling.

"Did you move?" I hear him startled, i try to wiggle my finger again and he gasps, "NURSE!"

I feel my eyelids begin to move as scrunch my eyebrows to try and blink them open; it felt as though my eyelid was peeling back as the bright lights flood as they opened up. I felt crusty and fuck i smelt horrid; my eyes landed on the ceiling and i realised i was laying in a bed.

"Oh my god Fay!" Western's voice shouts, "You're awake."

I turn my head to the side where he sat and an idea pops into my head as i watch him scramble for his phone, he grabs my hand and squeezes it gently.

"I'm calling your father. NURSE! I NEED A NURSE IN HERE!" I stare at him blankly as i watch a smile spread across his face as he peered down at me, i felt bad already for what i had planned on doing, "She's awake!"

"Who are you?" I mumble removing my hand from his, "Who are you?" I repeat louder as a nurse rushes in.

"It's me Western," i hear him say as my attention adverts to the nurse who looked surprised to see me awake, "Fay look at me."

I snap my head to Western pretending to panic, "I don't know who you are, how do you know my name?" He rips the phone from his ear and almost throws it on the ground as he stands up hovering over me, "Please get away from me."

His eyes were red and puffy from when he was crying a few minutes ago and i could see them welling up again, i try to hold a straight face for as long as possible before my laugh escapes me and i let out a snort.

"You were fucking with me?" He glares at me, i nod unable to speak as my laughter turns into pain that runs down my back and i begin to cry loudly, "is she okay?"

"She's just feeling the pain of her wounds," the nurse says rushing over to me, she presses a few buttons on a remote next to my bed as i roll over feeling my body shake, "she'll be okay."

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