Chapter Ten

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Fay Harlow

MY head hurt so much, i groan palming my eyes with my hands; the curtains thankfully fully closed so there was no sunlight. Last night wasn't clear, it was a blurry mess and the last thing i remember is falling asleep with Western who no longer was in the bed, just as i was about to roll out of my bed when i hear the bedroom door open. Western walks in with a tray full of breakfast food, orange juice and some medication for i assume my head, he places the tray in front of me as i sat up my legs criss-crossed; he was dressed in the same clothes he had worn last night. Small blood spots were stained onto his shirt, i look at his knuckles as he pulls his hands away from the tray; i lean forward grabbing his hand as gently as possible and pulling it wards me. I run my fingers over his bruises and shake my head.

"You shouldn't of done that," i whisper as i begin to remember him beating Jamie to a pulp; it was like a scene from Game Of Thrones, "Is Jamie okay? Have you heard from Chani?"

He pulls his hand away from me tucking it into his jeans, "You really are something else huh?" His voice came out grumpily, "Even after what he did you are still concerned about his well being."

"I'm sorry that you almost killed someone last night," I snap, "Obviously i am going to be concerned about him."

"Enjoy your breakfast," he says walking out of the room, "Take the pill it will help with the hangover."

How could he be so childish about this, he almost killed Jamie i had a right to be concerned about someone that i have known for years even with what almost happened; not to make up excuses but Jamie was drunk and obviously had a bad temper. Western clearly triggered him and did that to piss him off, i made a deal with myself to never be alone in a room with another guy unless i could trust him. To stop freezing up and getting myself into situations where i'm not comfortable. I had such bad luck when it came to men; after last night i'm just going to chill out and stay from them all. Focus on getting Tucker ready for the races, work on the barn and spend time with the only man in my life who loves me and would never hurt me; my father. I curse all the men, i will punch any that try to touch me and i certainly will be staying away from Western; even though i feel as though he'd never hurt me physically but whenever i am around him we are drawn together and the last thing i need is to end up sleeping with him as well.

I was reminded by my dad over the walkie-talkie that sat on my bedside table that Bailey and i were supposed to be off to get food for the animals, it was a two day trip so we'd be back by Friday night since we'd have to leave later today now that i was hungover. I spent the day mowing the yard around the house on the ride-on lawn mower. It was well overdue and no one else seemed to want to do it, i was dressed in a black singlet and shorts as the sun was out; beaming down on my now tanned skin. Living in the city i would rely on the tanning salon to keep my skin in check but thankfully here it was free and unavoidable. I was mid packing my duffle bag for the trip to Branstock; the crappiest part with owning a farm in a town where it was hard to get stock in is that it involved a lot of driving to the nearest town which for us was a two day trip. I feel a presence behind me which makes me look over my shoulder to see Bailey, he was scratching the back of his neck looking down at his feet.

"What's up Bails?" I ask him, quickly shoving extra undies into the zipper part of my bag.

"So I have some news," he says, "I'm leaving today."

"Yeah we are going to Branstock," I remind him, turning around to face him he looks up at me, "Or do you mean leaving?"

He nods, "I'm going to Brisbane to study, Grey is staying here for another couple of weeks but I'm starting my studying tomorrow so i'm taking a train in an hour to go there."

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