Chapter Fourteen

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Western Moore

I WOKE up to see an envelope sitting on the coffee table which had become a regular view since i had offered my space to Olivia when she first came to stay; Lauren had moved into Bailey's old room so i took the couch to be a gentleman. The only downfall was hearing the moans and groans that echoed down the hallway that seemed to only come from Noah; it was such an awkward sound to listen to especially when Mr Harlow was across the hall from them. I sit up on the couch stretching out my muscles before leaning over and picking up the envelope that had my name written on it. i rip it open and pull the note out of it, my eyes scanning the top which said:

To Western,

First i want to say sorry for bringing Noah and Olivia here (even though they came on their accord). I know it hasn't been the best feeling in the world to deal with me being engaged after our time spent together. I'm sorry for lying to you and not telling you about him. I wanted to but the words would escape me because every time i am with you i seem to forget how to be a human. I just want to say while you are reading this i have left, i haven't gone far but i am okay. I can't marry him for reasons i cannot write down in this note. I'm not sure if i will be back, all i know is the longer i stay here the worse things will get for not only me but everyone else. I promise i am okay, i'm not hurt and i am going to a friends place to stay for a bit while i think things over. Please don't hate me because after all this i still want to be your friend, once you've read this note rip it up and throw it in the bin. I don't want Noah knowing i cared enough to leave you a note because the last thing i need is you two fighting. Promise me you won't text, call or chase after me. Because i will be okay! Trust me.

P.s Can i just say something i shouldn't say? I know you can't answer but i imagine you'd say yes.

I do not regret our kiss in the lake.

Harlow x

After re-reading the note five times i rip it up and throw it into the bin as much as i wanted to keep it; it seemed only appropriate to do what she wanted me to do. I didn't know how to process everything i just read, why can't she marry him? I wish she was here so i could ask her all the questions that were running through my head. I sit back down on the couch my knee begins to bounce as i fight myself on figuring out where she went so i could go after her.

"West," i hear her fathers voice, i look up to see she had left him a note as well, "She left."

"Have any of you guys seen my wife? I know i'm not supposed to see her today because of bad luck but who cares about tradition?" Noah's voice comes from down the hallway, Mr Harlow turns to Noah and hands him the note in his hand.

"I'm not sure what you did to my daughter," his voice came out serious, "but she's left."

Noah looks down at the note, i could see the anger boiling over inside of him. Once he finished it he looked between Mr Harlow and i before he scrunches note up and throws it on the ground; we watch as he trudges off to the bedroom.

"She's gone back to America," Noah says slamming the bedroom door behind him, Mr Harlow turns to me rubbing his face.

"It said on the note not to follow her," he says, "but it doesn't say anything about you not following her."

My eyebrows raise, i wanted to tell him i received a note from her also saying the same thing but she didn't want anyone knowing i had received one from her, "Where did you want me to go?"

He walks over to me and takes a seat on the couch, "I'm pretty sure she's at Bailey, she mentioned she has gone to a friends and that's the only person i can think of."

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