"Gosh, just go! Of course you should go, silly boy!" Chloe laughs, and I relax. "We'll manage without your sparkling wit and conversation just this once, don't worry."

"Thanks, Clo. Hey, are you still planning on heading to James' parent's place for Thanksgiving?"

"Ahh, no, I don't think so. We had another fight, so it's a bit awkward at the moment. I don't think a family event is the best place to try and patch things up. I think we both just need a chance to cool off a bit."

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just don't really want to think about it until after this last exam, you know?"

"Sure, sure. So, are you going to hang out with Emily for the weekend, then?"

"No, she's taking her new boyfriend home to meet the parents and I didn't want to intrude."

"So what, you're gonna spend Thanksgiving here? By yourself?"

"Noah, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I can stand to be alone for a few days. And don't forget, Thanksgiving isn't a thing where I come from. So it's not as big of a deal for me to miss it."

"Screw that. Why don't you come to LA? Come hang out with me and my family and Elle. It'll be great. I'd really like you to meet everyone and this way you and Elle can get to know each other better. Honestly, you'd be doing me a favor..."

Chloe chuckles. "Well, when you put it like that, how can I refuse? Are you sure your mum won't mind?"

"Please," I laugh. "She goes so overboard with the catering that she won't even notice one more person at the table. But I'll call her now if you're keen."

"Yeah, okay. Count me in. I won't be able to fly until the morning of, though."

"That's cool. We don't eat 'til late afternoon anyway. Send me your flight details and I'll come get you."

"Will do. Hey, Noah?"


"Thanks for the invite. It's really nice of you."

"You're welcome. It's literally the least I can do after everything..."

"True. We're not even close to be even," she laughs.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, get some sleep, huh? And good luck for tomorrow."

"Thanks, 'night."


Hanging up, I can't help but smile. This is actually perfect. If Elle spends some time with Chloe, she'll be able to see for herself that there's nothing going on between us, that she's my friend, the same way Lee is to her. I quickly phone Mom, who, as expected, is thrilled that Chloe's going to visit. I guess I've mentioned her more than a few times in our phone calls... I also fill her in on my plan to arrive a day earlier and swear her to secrecy, because I want this to be a surprise. Man, I can't wait to see the look on Elle's face when she spots me.

Dad picks me up from the airport, and after a quick stop at home to say hi to Mom and dump off my luggage, I drive to the convention center where the competition's being held. The auditorium is massive and packed with spectators. I'm starting to see that this is an even bigger deal than I realized, and it makes me even more excited for Elle than I already was. She's gonna lose it when she sees me for sure. I've decided to wait until after her section is finished to let her know I'm here, because the last thing I want is to put her off and ruin all her hard work.

Taking a seat on the aisle, about halfway up the middle seating area, I watch all the duos before her and Marco. I've spent a lot of time over the years watching Lee and Elle do this at the arcade, but jeez, this is next level stuff. There's full-on choreography and costumes and everything. No wonder Elle's been practicing all the time. Eventually, they're announced, and I find myself getting nervous for her.

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