s. 3 ep. 10 Stay on Mission

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We dashed through the woods at breakneck speed. I had a feeling Hawkes and his boys were right behind us but I didn't turn to look, I just kept running with the laptop securely under my arm.

"Any sign of them?" Yaz shouted.

"Not yet," Darius replied.

We stopped for breath behind another fallen log but before we could rest long we heard a loud rustling behind us. I turned and saw flashlights waving around a good hundred feet from us. We quickly took off into the woods again and ended up hiding in some bushes.

"I know you can hear me!" Hawkes voice boomed out of the darkness.

Me and Yaz quickly took fighting stances while Darius was bending over, gasping for air.

"Set down the laptop and nobody gets hurt," Hawkes shouted.

"I have a better idea. You give us Brooklynn back then you fuck off." I called back.

"I won't come any closer. You have my word."

"Your word doesn't mean jack to me, man."

For half a minute we stood around waiting for something to happen or for someone to attack. Suddenly to my right I heard someone pop out of some bushes and two surprised screeches. I looked over and saw Limbo and Chaos the Baryonyxes mauling one of the mercenaries. They must've been sleeping there and the soldier had mistaken them for us. His scream faded as the two dinos tore him apart.

Yaz and Darius gasped and turned away at the mauling.

I didn't miss a beat. "Sorry about your friend. Limbo and Chaos are a little hostile towards pieces of shit." I said

"We're heading to the valley to load up the chopper," Hawkes said after a minute. "That gives you about two hours to get there and bring me that laptop. It's the only way you'll ever see your friend again."

We stood in silence for a moment at the news we just got. Brooklynn or the laptop. Our choice. I looked at the laptop in my hand, cursing its existence. I took a deep breath, set my jaw, and glared off into the jungle.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop," Yaz told me.

"Get the laptop back to the others," I said, handing it to Darius.

"No. You're coming back with us." Yaz said, stepping forward.

"I'm either coming back with her or getting dropped trying," I said

"Why? What the hell is wrong with you? You heard what she said! We gotta get this to the authorities whatever it takes!" Yaz complained

"And you five are very capable of doing that."

"Why are you doing this?"

"You know how I feel about her! You know why I have to do this! I'm not leaving her alone!"

There was silence for a moment until Darius said, "I feel like I'm missing some information here."

"She's just a kid. We're all just kids. And I'll be damned if I let a bunch of mother fuckers with guns take any of you hostage. Especially her." I said.

Yaz closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "So then what do we do?" She asked

"Either figure out a good plan to save us or get off the island while there's still time," I said

"We're not leaving you," Darius said

"You are if there's no other good solution. If there's even an ounce of doubt in your plan, then you leave. Understand me?"

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