A Supreme Admiral!?

Start from the beginning

"It got stuck in my afro," Luffy explains as he slowly stands back up, "When I was in your mirror room..."

"You...little...shit..." Foxy finally gets out.

"Gum-Gum!" Luffy flings his arm up and then starts spinning it as fast as he can in the state that he's in. "Flail!" His fist connects with the middle of Foxy's face. Then he turns and starts walking for the figurehead.

"Eight more seconds," Zoro says.

"Too long," I grip onto Zoro's arm.

"Is this the end!?" Itomimizu cries.

"Seven," Sanji says.

"Six," Robin smiles.

"Five!" Usopp jumps out of his seat, turning to face the crowd. "What are you staring at!? Count with me! Four!"

Now everyone is counting along with him. Some not as loud as others, and not all sure why they are counting, but we are all counting down.

"Three! Two! One! Zero!"

Luffy has made it to the center of the figurehead where we can all see the winner of this arduous battle. The second the countdown ends, he raises his hands to the sky and lets out the loudest shout of exhilaration, "YEAH!"

"That's our captain!" I feel all kinds of energy bursting within me, and I rush down to pick up Chopper in the excitement. "That's the man that I love to follow no matter where he leads!"

"Me too!" Chopper laughs.

"Alright!" Nami and Usopp jump around.

Foxy's body is floating right out of the zone to the dismay of his crew. "Wait! That's our Boss flying!"

"Boss is sent soaring in the sky!" Itomimizu cries.

"That's Luffy's Game-ending Punch, suckers!" I stick my tongue out at the Foxy pirates.


There's too much excitement flowing through all our bodies, but I force myself to keep my eyes on Foxy as he is on a straight path to the raging ocean below. Right out of the playing area. The splash is the most satisfying sound after all the bullshit we've been through today.

"The point of landing is outside the battlefield!" Itomimizu announces. "For the fateful battle of the third round of this Davy Back Fight, The captain verses captain round, our boss, Foxy, has tragically fallen after nine-hundred-twenty straight wins. The winner of this round is..."

"I won't let you have any of my friends, even if I die!" Luffy uses the last of his strength to shout this to the world.

"Straw Hat Luffy!"

"That was beautiful, Luffy!" Chopper bursts out of grasp to dance around.

"Let's hear it for our captain!" I point to the crowd.

"Luffy!" Nami and Usopp shout as one, along with many of the Foxy pirates.

Zoro has a big grin on his face, Sanji is trying to kiss Nami, and Robin has a sweet smile on her face.

"Our boss...lost!?" someone shouts.

"Don't just stand there! Go save boss!" another guy shouts.

"Foxy Pirates verses Straw Hat Pirates," Itomimizu speaks back up, probably intending to wrap this whole thing up. "Under the three-coin rule, for this Davy Back Fight, is now over!"

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