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Adam calmly opened the screen door and stepped out onto the porch. "I'm tryin' my best to keep my patience, Genevieve."

Genna shifted her weight to one side, "Good for you," she sneered and crossed her arms again.

"I know you're upset because you're nervous about tomorrow. I know these particular emotions always get the better of you because they only surface when things are out of your control and there ain't much you hate more than not bein' in control. But—" he pointed a finger at her, "you do have control over that temper."

Genna dropped her hands to her sides. "You don't understand," she whined.

"No, I'm pretty dang sure you spelled it out for me. I get it. You were shoppin' as if it were going to be September in Boston and all those warmer clothes ain't gonna help you none come tomorrow."

"Exactly! That's why I'm so pissed!"

"You do have a sister who wears the same size clothes as you. Why don't you just asked to borrow her clothes till it cools down?"

Genna's face screwed up at the thought. "No! And have everyone notice us wearing the same things all the time? Get real! I'd order myself stuff online but somebody won't let me get a credit card."

Adam pinched the bridge of his nose. He could feel this conversation taking a terrible turn.

"Genevieve, we've been over this and I ain't discussin' it with you again. You're too young to have your own credit card. You can use mine to buy whatever you need, but I ain't getting you your own and that's final."

"Of course that's final," Genna quipped, "you always get the last fucking word. I don't—"

"Do you want a spankin'?"

Genna paused, uncertainty flitting across her face. "Is that some sort of rhetorical question?"

"No," Adam stated simply as he tucked his hands into his pockets. "For the last three hours, everything you've said and done indicates to me that you must want one 'cause it's exactly what you'll be gettin' if you keep behavior this up. So just for my own clarification, I'm askin'. Do you?"

"No!" Genna scoffed.

Adam turned and pointed inside. "Then I suggest you march your little hind end up to your room."

"Fine," she ground out as she stomped up the steps.

"And stay there 'til you can act with some decorum," he added.

"Oooh, decorum, I didn't know you knew such big words."

And just as it is but a single straw that breaks the camel's back, Genna's final parting insult was the undoing of Adam's patience.

"That's it," he spat as he reached out and grabbed a hold of her arm. He pulled her up the last two steps and before she could say another word, his palm connected with the seat of her shorts in three swats. She had forgotten how heavy handed he was but the reminder quickly came back in the form of tears stinging her eyes.

With one hand still wrapped around her upper arm, he took her chin gently, but firmly, in his other hand and made her look up at him.

"Now I've given you fair warnin' that this was comin', and if I'm bein' honest, I think I held onto my patience far better than I would have a month ago."

Genna's shoulders dropped knowing he was right.

"But," he continued, "just 'cause I'm workin' on givin' you the chance to correct yourself before I do, don't mean I won't do it if you ain't gonna."

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