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Chapter 23.4 Little Sister Became Crafty

    She understood their feelings——because she ‘lost her memories’, they were afraid that she was depressed inside, so they deliberately said that she was like the time when she was young, so as to let her relax more easily. 

   This is good too, she doesn’t have to act as another person. 

   After entering Tiandu, the escort emissary led the Sang clan and their party into the post house. The people, carriages and beasts were all cleaned up. They put on the luxurious white robes attire to meet the Emperor, and boarded the carriage pulled by beasts that were sent from the palace and drove towards the imperial palace. 

   The whole Tiandu is made of a white agate-like stone. 

   This place is extremely prosperous. Only the best local products of each state are qualified to appear in the Tiandu market. 

   After walking for no less than half a day, the convoy finally arrived at the palace gate when the sun slanted westward. 

   On the top of the ten zhang high palace gate, there are characters inlaid with gold on a blue background—— 

   Jingtian[1] Palace. 

   The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the white agate into a pale red color, and Sang Yuanyuan could not help but think of the description in the book. 

   You Wuming, dressed in white, walked slowly into the burning Tiandu. The light of blood and fire dyed on his face, which reminded others of the legendary evil spirit Shura——how pretty his face was and how evil his heart was. 

   Actually, he’s really not a good man. 

   Sang Yuanyuan drove the train of thoughts out of her mind and followed behind King Sang. Looking neither left nor right, she respectfully and cautiously stepped into the Imperial City that symbolized the supreme power. 

   The tremendous building itself can give people a very strong pressure. In addition, it has been immersed in the glory of power for thousands of years. It seems that the city has been endowed with life and looking down from above on the ant-like human beings below. It makes the surrounding people feel that it was difficult to breathe. With every step that they take, they have to withstand the infinite pressure. 

   One can’t not be in awe. 

   The attendant arranged the three Sangs in the outer hall. 

   Tomorrow, they will take a bath and burn incense before they meet with the Emperor. 

   The old attendant whose face was filled with smiles, bowed and said, “This palace hall usually only houses visitors from the Emperor’s own family. The Emperor really held so much respect towards King Sang.” 

   King Sang nodded politely and sent-off the old attendant that served by the emperor’s side. 

   He told his pair of son and daughter : “Take a good rest, so you will have enough energy to present yourself tomorrow.” 

   Then they went into their own respective hall. 

   Sang Yuanyuan walked into the snow-white side hall, and the servants behind her quietly stepped down and closed the huge carved door that stretched from the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the room. 

   She sat on the jade couch. 

   Tiandu is a treasured land according to geomantic omen and rich in spiritual aura, which is definitely far from ordinary. 

   She must seize the time to practice cultivation. 

   Throughout the journey, she intermittently absorbed a lot of spiritual aura. Vaguely, she felt that the grass-green wood spiritual elements inside her body began to dye with a deeper color. 

   It should not be too far away from advancing to the next stage. 

   She crossed her knees and concentrated, became immersed in her mind in a short time, and was about to enter meditation. 

   Just at this time, there was a gust of wind that was neither hot nor cold that blew across her neck! 

   Sang Yuanyuan was startled and opened her eyes immediately. 

   It was peaceful and serene all around her. There was nothing. 

   There are no windows in the palace, and the hall’s doors are all a tightly fitted one. 

   The shining white candle does not even flicker, so obviously there is no wind. 

   The strange sixth sense made her hair stand on end. With her heart still hanging, she turned her head very, very slowly——

[1] Jingtian : Worshipping Heaven.

[1] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainWhere stories live. Discover now