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He told me not to think, Red!

Maverick stood outside the room, his mind flashed to Red's dad.

"MAVERICK AND GOOSE! TELL LILY AND KARA! I LOVE THEM!" Wolf called out before him and Rio crashed and silence had filled the radio.

"Red.... please be okay." Maverick said as a tear slipped down his cheek.


Her eyes flutter opened, She sat up, she saw blood in the snow then saw she had small gash on her leg then little blood on her stomach. "Just fucking great." She muttered. She attended to her wound on her leg, she check to see if she had any on her stomach but she did, she did the best she could. She looked around and sighed.

"Now how am I going to get back?" She questioned herself. As she was thinking, she heard a helicopter in the distance. Red eyes widen. "I... shit this is enemy territory after all."  she said and then she started running quickly to take cover. They spot her and they began to shoot at her. She hid behind a tree as the bullets flew. "Holy shit." Red groaned as she spot the helicopter turned around and faced her. Before she knew it, the helicopter ended up in flames.

Then she sees Rooster's plane, who then got hit by SAM's. Red panic for a moment until she saw parachute. "Holy shit, Idiot." She muttered and ran that direction. "Please let him be fine, Please let him be fine." She muttered as she ran.

She ran until she found him getting out of his parachute. "Rooster!" She yelled as she gotten closer. "Red! Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, are you?" She asked as she gotten closer. "Yeah." Rooster said to her. "Good." She said as she then pushed him on the ground. "You Idiot! What the fuck man!' Red exclaimed

"Kara, what the hell?" He says angrily as they both threw their helmets onto the ground. "What  the hell are you doing out here?" She questioned him angrily. "What am I doing here?" He questioned her back. "I didn't take that missile so you could be down here with me, you should be back on the carrier by now!" Red shouted. She was in his face even thought she was much shorter then him.

"I saved your life!" He yells then getting on her level. "I saved your life! That's the whole point, whet the hell were you thinking!" She exclaimed as she backed away. "Maverick told me not to think!" He exclaimed back. She nodded knowing that he was correct on that. He throws his arms up as she took a moment to catch her breath. "I don't know what Maverick is going to do with us... pulling stunts left and right out of the ass."  Red explained then groaned in pain as she looked at her leg.

"Geez Red." Rooster said as he looked at her leg. "Don't have a cow, I attended to it, it's a small gash, besides I will be fine." Red said as she shook her head. "Small my ass.." Rooster said. "Did you see it!" Red snapped. "Sorry..." Red apologized. "It's alright Kara...it's alright, just concerned that's all." Rooster said. "Buddy, the gash is small but I might need stitches, so I won't have to worry about blood loss." Red explained as they both then looked around.

"Now Red, how are we getting out of this?" He asked her. She bit the inside of her cheek then something came to mind, "Follow me." She said as she got her helmet off the ground then took off running.


"You're not serious?" Bradley questioned the woman. He looked through the binoculars, "You gotta be kidding me. An F-14?" Bradley said as he looked ahead. "My Dad and Maverick shot down three MIGS in one of those." Kara commented. "You don't even know if that bag ass can fly." He said to her. She looked at him, "Well... let's find out then." She said as she got up making her way to the runway. "Kara!" Bradley whisper shouts after her, "Okay.." He said to himself as he got up and followed her.

They start walking through their runway, Kara was nervous going through there. "There's guys up there, Kara." Rooster points out to her. "Yep..." She responded. "Then there's more over there." Rooster points out the other direction.  "Yeah... let's run.... run like the wind bullseye." Red said. "Yeah... yeah run." Rooster commented as they both took off running.


The both of them came up to the plane. Red looked over everything, she sighed. "Damn...It needs gas." Red said then her and Rooster got to work on connecting to the hoses to get plane started. "I got the flying, you can be WSO." Red said as she was getting ready to board to make sure everything working fine. "You got this?" She said as she pointed out the hoses. "Yeah but you sure you got the flying down." He asked her and she chuckled. "Please... you forget I got guidance from Iceman who taught everything I need to know, including things on this fossil here." She assures him and he smiles at her. She sat down in the plane, looked at the thing in front of her. "How in the world did they fly this?" She questioned herself. "How's everything looking Kara?" Rooster asked her.

She looked at everything, she sighed at relief when she saw Gas and things were increasing and almost full. "Everything looking good, you can start unconnecting the hoses, let's get home." Red said to him as she started getting the plane started up. As soon got the hoses off, he climb in behind her, he looked at what was in front of him. "I know this thing is prehistoric, very prehistoric but you'll figure it out." Red said to him and he nods at her.

She pulls the plane out then looks ahead. "Holy shit... they really destroyed this thing." Red muttered as she looked at the crumbled runway. "Both runway are cratered. How are we going to get this museum piece in the air?" He questioned her. She thought for moment, then shook her head. She pressed the buttons to bring the wings out. Rooster looked out and noticed the wings, "Why are the wings coming out, Kara?" He questioned her. She smiled a bit. "I thought you were told not to ask stupid questions?" She answered. "Red... I am serious." Rooster said sternly. "Because Rooster.." she replied

"Red, this is a taxiway, not a runway. This is a very short taxiway." Rooster says to her. She smiled a bit. "I know, just hang on." She tells him as she starts to accelerate. "Holy Shit!" He exclaimed as she took off quick. "Here we go!" She exclaimed "Holy shit!" Rooster exclaimed as they barely make it over the bridge then losing their front wheel in the process. "Well that went well expect losing the front wheel damn... anyways let's fly this fossil and get home." Red tells Rooster, he smiles at her.

Red | J.MachadoWhere stories live. Discover now