(Prologue) Partners

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After a nice trip from Patch to Vale our two heroes make their way to Junior's Club where they see two of Junior's men looking at Damian and rush back inside, closing the doors immediately.

Damian: Hmph. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

Silver: Rude. They should at least welcome us. I'll go knock

Damian: Well, you can still knock on the door.

Meanwhile, Junior walks towards his guys who have their back to the door.

Junior: What are you doing?

Silver places his right on the door, closes his eyes, and his A.M.C's begin to glow with activity.

Silver:Materia Lucidity.

The door shifts and turns on itself, goes inward, and explodes with great force which knocks back Junior and his men.

Damian: Nice.

Silver: Thanks. Now, (cracks neck and knuckles) let's get down to business.

Junior's men have their guns drawn on Damian and Silver, but those two look at them with a straight face. But Junior gets in the way of his men.

Junior: Out of the way.(clears his throat) Boss, you're here. Why?(nervous smile)

Damian: Simple. Information.

Damian walks towards Junior and the two of them go to the bar. Meanwhile, a face who Damian isn't familiar with looks at Silver calls out to him.

???: Liberator. It's really good to see you again.

Damian(to Silver): Liberator? Seriously?

Silver(to Damian): I didn't choose that name. The Faunus did. "Remnant's Hero" is meant for both Humans and Faunus.

Damian(chuckles): Whatever you say.

Damian and Junior made it to the counter and had the bartender give them something to drink. Meanwhile, Silver deals with his friend who called him Liberator.

Silver: Unfortunately this isn't a visit between friends. I'm here on business.

The person who Silver is talking to is Terry and he's a Sable Faunus.

Terry: Okay then. We should talk about this outback. Follow me.

Silver follows Terry.

As the two of them step out, Damian and Junior have their conversation first.

Junior: So what are you doing here, Boss?

Damian: Like I said before, information. Those Assassins you mentioned were nothing but chumps.

Junior: I see.

Silver and Terry talk outside.

Terry: So what do you want to know?

Silver: What do you know about what's happening at the docks?

Terry: I haven't heard anything... Well, there is this one thing that I heard. Not sure how true it really is.

Damian and Junior.

Damian: What is it?

Junior: Word is that some new buyer is going out making deals on some experimental drug, said to be very strong and potent.

Silver and Terry.

Silver: A drug?

Terry: Yeah. It's called Serenity. Supposedly, it helps those who have a Semblance become twice as strong and the user's entire body is facing an effect on the body making them bigger, stronger and faster.

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