(Prologue) Choice

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Damian follows Jasper and Malachite to the training grounds and sees the members of The Order and stands in front of them all. From there, he sees Jasper standing next to him and Malachite standing in front of them.

Malachite(to Damian): These are the words spoken from our ancestors, the words spoken from the hearts of The Order: Hide in plain sight and never allow anything to compromise our people. Keep your work a secret from those who are not in The Order. Eliminate all that is evil and deliver true justice. Let nothing stand in your way. Remember these tenants and everything will be clear.

Damian: Yes Master.

Jasper looks at Damian and smiles at him.

Malachite: Now, there's only one last thing for you to do.

Jasper snaps his fingers and everyone sees two prisoners coming their way. Two prisoners are tied up and on their knees, each with a sack covering their face.

Damian could tell that these two are a boy and woman. But as he looked a little bit closer, his eyes got a little bit bigger. The two members take the bags off their heads and there he sees Silver and Summer.

Jasper hands him his sword and Damian couldn't believe it.

Damian(shaking his head; to Jasper): No. I'm no executioner.

Jasper(to Damian): Your compassion is something your enemies will not share.

Damian: That's why it's important. It separates us from them.

Jasper: You want to eliminate criminals. These two stary from true justice and allow murderers to roam free.

Silver: "True justice" my ass. You brainwash everyone here with that blatant lie?

Summer: What do you want from us?

Malachite: Silence!

The two members simultaneously hit Silver and Summer.

Damian: These people should be let go and continue their journey.

Jasper: And continue to let criminals be tried by corrupt bureaucrats? Criminals mock societies laws. You know this better than most.

Damian looks to the ground.

Malachite(to Damian): You cannot lead these men. Unless, you are willing to do what is necessary to defeat evil.

Damian: And where would I be leading these men?

Malachite: Vale. As the newest member of The Order. You will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality.

Silver: You would invade Vale while continuing to ignore the fact that, while you rant about "what is necessary to defeat evil", the very acts you commit is, in of itself, evil. That's hypocritical.

Summer: You are as corrupt, if not more, as those bureaucrats you mentioned.

Damian: How Master?

Malachite: Vales time has come. Like any of the other Kingdoms has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice. It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of The Order. It is what we have be doing for centuries. Vale must be destroyed.

Damian looks very concerned and tilts his head towards Jasper.

Damian: You can't be okay with this.

Jasper: Master Malachite rescued us from the darkest corners of our lives. What he has asked in return is for the courage to do what is necessary.

Damian: Master I will become a person who fights injustice. But I will not become an executioner.

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