Night 5: Smoke & Mirrors

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Y/n stayed in the house since last night when Kurumi knocked him out and tied him in a chair. He didn't wake up until his final night shift began.

-- 12 PM / 100% battery --

Y/n woke up when the clock sounded midnight, tied, and gagged in the room full of mirrors. He struggled to break free but couldn't move an inch.

Y/n: Mmph!!

He tried to talk but couldn't because of the gag. Suddenly, a cloud of darkness swarmed the room.

Kurumi: It's no use struggling, Y/n. Give up.

The Nightmare appeared and turned Y/n's chin at her.

Kurumi: Did you think it was over already? That you beat me?

Kurumi circled her finger over Y/n's face.

Kurumi: Though... Breaking my influence over Tohka, who broke it over Kotori and Yoshino... You deserve an applause. So, let's play a game, shall we?

Y/n looked away from Kurumi.

Kurumi: Hu-hu. You're only making this more fun. The rules are simple, don't worry that pretty head of yours. Don't let the mirrors break, or your world shatters. Understand?

Y/n defiantly looked at Kurumi, who was surprised.

Kurumi: Oh my, just like... Never mind, I'll ungag you. I want to hear what you have to say.

Kurumi ungagged Y/n.

Y/n: Why are you doing all this? What's the point?

Kurumi: I want your mana. Your delicious life force. It's unfortunate I have to get it this way, but it'll have to do.

Y/n: Then why am I not dead already?

Kurumi didn't answer.

Y/n: It's because of Shido, right? I get it all now. He's absent, and you girls, no, Spirits clearly don't fare well with that. So, a boy like me is sent here to keep you company? This isn't really a guard the place job, is it? Are Spirits humans with special powers, like magus?

Kurumi: So, you know what a magus is? No matter. Your role is far more important than they let you on. Now, I'll take my leave. Prove you are the one he said you'd be.

Y/n: Wait!

Kurumi: Hm?

Y/n: Any tips? Or are you just going to leave me with nothing?

Kurumi: Here's your hint, hu-hu. A mirror reflects who we are.

Kurumi vanished along with the darkness and Y/n's ties.

-- 1 AM / 100% battery --

Y/n tried the door, but it wouldn't flinch, so he walked to the centre of the room. He had no idea what to do, but soon the room lit up faintly and he could see his reflection in the mirrors.

Y/n: Don't let them shatter...

He looked around. Some of the reflections were different than others. Some were lighter, some darker.

Y/n: What am I supposed to do? Why would they shatter?

Suddenly, all the mirrors started slowly cracking.

Y/n: O-Oh no! I have to figure this out quick! Think, Y/n...

He thought back to how he free freed Tohka from Kurumi's influence, by separating light and dark, and replacing dark with light.

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