Chapter 1: The Blade of Fate

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???'s POV:

The beating of my heart increased as I rush from the kitchen to my bedroom. With a slam of my door, I slide down and cry into my hands, my knees close to my face. The howling shouts my parents could be heard from both in and out of the house as it's windows were slightly open, letting the cool autumn air inside.

My shaking body could hear the footsteps of one of my parents headed in my direction. I quickly lock the door right before they could turn the handle. A harsh pulling and clicking of the doorknob took place right after as if on cue for a movie.

"ALONDRA! Open the damn door, you bitch!" The harsh curses that came from my stepfather on the other side of the door as he banged on it. "You're such a fucking, worthless brat! You know that?! You have no friends, no job, and you can't even get good grades for fuck's sake!"

"ADAM! LEAVE HER ALONE!" My mother screeches in my defense. "Don't talk to my daughter like that you bitch! She did nothing wrong! If her father was here, he would fucking beat your ass up!"

Adam scoffs at this. "That sick bitch wouldn't do shit!"

"Why do you always have to treat Alondra so different from Brandon and Aleena?!" Mom shouts. "She was just listening to music on her phone!"

"That's all she ever does!" He screams with a bang; a booming bang at my bedroom door. My body fearfully shook uncontrollably as he was only centimeters away, and the only thing keeping him away was rickety, old door.

After a few more screams and shouts from both guardians, the sound of the front door slamming shut could be heard throughout our entire apartment complex. There was a few moments of silence before a small tapping came from my door.

"Alondra?" It was mother. "Honey, are you okay? Let me in."

I don't respond to her questions, but I don't let her in either. A small whimper escapes my throat as a new flood of unshod tears streaks out of my eyes. My gasping breaths were quiet yet loud in my head.

"Alondra, please let me in." My mother repeats in a soothing tone. "Please, sweetheart."

"Leave me alone." I whisper with a cracked voice. "P-please.... Just leave me alone."

Another silent moment passes.

I hear my mom sigh. "Okay. I'll be in my room if you need me."

She walks away, leaving me alone in my room. From under my bed, I notice that my cat, too, was hiding from the extreme drama between the two adults. She creeps out from under my bed and heads in my direction with a small mew. She rubs her head against my thigh to comfort me, as if saying; "everything will be alright".

More tears slide down my cheeks as I grab hold of my cat and hold her close to my chest. Her purring was like a palliative lullaby to calm my bipolar thoughts that rushed through my head.

I need to get out of here. My mind concludes. Tonight.


The thoughts in my mind were racing with both positive and negative emotions about my plan. As I carefully place one foot in front of the other. The small whimpers from my dog and the gentle breaths of both my sister and my mother could be heard as I crossed the living room. Another worried whine comes the canine sleeping on the couch with my sister. She sat up and tilts her head with a mixture of confusion and nervousness.

"Shhh. It's okay, Holly." I whisper to my concerned dog. "Everything's fine. I'm just going on a walk."

Turning my head back in the direction of the front door, I grab hold of the doorknob. With a huge sigh, I turn to unlock the door and steadily open it. In one swift motion I was out of the house and closing the door once more.

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