back at Union Academy

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Meanwhile at Union Academy, When Lupin left the academy.. many students, teachers and staff celebrate for him to leave.

However when the moment they tried to attempt to bring him back when a moment he had the power..

Lupin threatened the both Ironwood,
All-Might, Ozpin and Aultcray to never come to Battle Alliance Academy ever again.

However a few months pass by Union Academy had been through a lot of Chaos.

Atlas's technology been breached turning its tech against Atlas.

Atlas started to panic by own technology turned against them.

However it was none other than Sigma and Ultron hacking and using Atlas tech to create their own machines.

Many Pro Heroes, Huntsman and huntresses tried attacking the robotic villain Duo.

However they were killed off overrunned by the body amount of machines created by Ultron and Sigma.

As well for general Ironwood, people thought he committed suicide but however.. Ultron controlled his robotic arm for him to shoot himself in the head.

As well for the dust company was destroyed, Jacque was killed by the robots under the control by Sigma and Ultron.

Winter among with the Ace Op's tried their best against the Mavericks and Ultron.

However the greatest elites Atlas Academy were killed by overrun by a lot of the robots tearing them until nothing was left but blood and organs everywhere.

Many citizens of Union City were in a state of despair.

Along with the league of darkness also Rising as well taking out all the fake Heroes.

Now let us get into this the current day.

At Union Academy that was half destroyed.

At the headmasters office had a bit about depression.

Ozpin: this is really really bad..

Nezu: I know see now we have lost Atlas by the combined powers of Ultron and Sigma

Aultcray: to mention other villains have been making appearance as well.. like the sinister six have also been taken out Heroes and Huntsman and huntresses.. seen that we have lost the people support..

Ozpin: I agree seen that team SSSN and CRDL were killed by electro..

Nezu: indeed these are darkest times for Union.. not to mention, Blake it's also been missing for some time...

Aultcray: the spear hero and the party has also been heavily injured....

Ozpin: seeing that this is.. karma for what we have done for the powerless.. and now we are paying the price..

Nezu: I agree.. we really had paid high price for this...

Ozpin: it seems we have no other choice, but to Heroes of Battle Alliance Academy...

The headmasters of Union Academy really on it down graded situation..

Meanwhile with the rest of classmates of Union.

Team RWY we're in the dorm room heavily injured.

Ruby: this is really really bad...

Yang: I agree.. we have been beaten up by these bad guys, I lost that... we have lost at this..

Weiss: yes Atlas has been fallen.. my father and sister among with many others were killed...

Ruby: come to think of it.. whatever happened to Blake, she just went up and disappeared..

Yang: I agree, ever since that loser was expelled.. she also left as well..

Weiss: I'm guessing that this is the price that we have to pay for..

Half of class 1A was alive was healing up from the intense fight.

Especially the spear hero and his party also was injured as well by The sinister six.

Many other people of Union Academy really felt a high price to pay for for losing the city and Atlas by a group of villains they have never fought before.

To Be Continued...

The Son of Celios and HeephisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon