Helping Union

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At Battle Alliance Academy...

Things were the same just like they always were.

Many students were doing their own things, studying, training, practicing to become their own Heroes to protect people.

However the headmasters were able to get a call from Union Academy.

The headmaster is of battle lines was rather surprised by this.

The message from Union Academy seems to be more of a bit of an SOS.

Nick Fury: well I was in this rather something you don't see everyday..

Optimus Prime: never expected a day that Union would actually call us for help..

Jean: I agree why would those fake Heroes want to call us of all people..

Albert Elfrieden: probably it seems that some of our villains are there as well..

King Acorn: you may be right to seeing that this is going to be a lot difficult even though many of our students really do hate Union..

Giyu: but still it is all rightful duty to help the people that are in need of help..

Rengoku: I know see not this means we have no other options..

Signas: I agree, we have to send in our best students it's to defeat our enemies..

Tengen: I agree, see if this is just a temporary Alliance after when we take care of villains.. we bring them back that is it..

Mitsuri: not to mention, it seems that they're taken over Atlas technology as well..

Rengoku: then it's fine.. I bet Shield might actually have some robots I can encounter at Liz's technology..

Nick Fury: of course we will send in the androids immediately to encounter Shields technology..

Giyu: seen at my best pupils will actually do their best...

Rengoku: I agree seeing I will give them a bit of a sensational let down..

Signas: but for the time being it seems that we're going to get the students to breathe I'm on the situation..

Tengen: yeah certainly seems that we have to tell them about.

A few seconds pass by and many of students came into the briefing room.

Lupin: I'm guessing that this must be some type of emergency briefing..

Sonic: something big might have actually happened..

Stephanie: I increasing that so many of us haven't gathered here..

Tails: this is some important meeting..

X: meaning that there could be many Mavericks on the loose..

Zero: I agree as well the same as well..

Ultraman II: yeah certainly seem to see something very very important..

Seven: and we should actually pay attention is a goofing of.

Ace: wow you really need to cool down for once..

Kelvin: I know but seriously we shouldn't be more serious..

Efil: I agree, but I certainly seems a headmaster needs us for something..

Gerard: I agree something very important for all of us to be here..

Sonic: well it certainly seems that the most important to be something very important..

Sally Acron: I agree, it certainly seems very important matter with some villain attack..

Bumblebee: well certainly seems that our headmasters are coming..

Hotrod: well I rather interesting.. about this meeting..

The headmasters came in which silenced that everyone that were chattering.

Nick Fury: hello everyone I'm guessing you wondering why you're all here..

Optimus Prime: yes because it certainly seems that this is an important announcement..

Jean: and his announcement is about high power villains attacking Union..

Albert Elfrieden: and we know that some of you might actually have a personal grudge with Union because of their corruption..

King Acorn: I seen that this is going to be going to have to to help Union and only to capture the villains..

Giyu: and I also that the villains that were attacking Union are Ultron and sigma..

Many of the students of battle Alliance knew that they had a grudge against Union Academy, but it was their duty to help people even if it means helping Union.

Lupin: well now it seems that this meeting went important.

Sonic: yes even if it means to help the Union Academy..

Tails: well seems that those corrupted fools got what they deserve..

X: I agree karma is really bitch.. for those that are douches that look down on others..

Zero: but it is our job as well to help them so let's do it..

Bumblebee: ready to take down the bad guys!

Hotrod: yeah certainly seems that we have to help these corrupted bastards.

Ultraman II: I agree so now we don't talk no other choice..

Seven: I know it's not they are a bunch of cropped lowlifes.. but it's our duty to help those in need..

Ace: I know so we will have to do this for the people..

Amy: so I'm guessing that we should begin the mission..

A few weeks passed by..

Battle Alliance Academy was ready for the epic task force.

Many ships of S.H.I.LE.D. flying down to the destroyed city of Union Academy was destroyed.

Many of ships of S.H.I.LE.D. drop down Autobots and shield agents to engage enemy forces.

Spider-Man was fighting against electro.

Iron Man and X were fighting against Sigma and Ultron in Atlas seen that there was a lot of a lot of an army of Mavericks and Ultra drones.

Luckily Zero and Tanjuro we're also there taking care of Mavericks.

Sonic and Amy were double teaming it taking out any villains or any forces.

Lupin and Stephanie were also double-teaming it beating down every villains.

Lupin could sensed another group of people as well could tell that it was the shield hero and his party also came to assist people of the Battle Alliance.

with everyone else was also taking care what the other villains across Union Academy grounds.

Couple seconds pass by after the attends about that happened, many of the enemy forces and villains surrendered.

Many of the Shield agents and Autobots we're able to put handcuffs on the villains to be transported to a maximum security place.

Lupin among side the people of battle Alliance Academy we're ready to leave.

Lupin look back at Union Academy that fallen, couldn't help but chuckled bit, not to mention The Shield's hero and his party decided to join battle Alliance.

Lupin and Naofumi we're best friends that always had each other in the back, and flew back to the academy.

To Be Continued....

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