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My heart nearly skips a beat
as I watch Hoseok stare back and forth from the two of us
after dropping his spoon into his bowl.

The day after Yoongi and I returned from Yeongyang,
we first told my parents about
us officially being together.

My dad didn't give much of a reaction
besides congratulating us
since he already knew all about it,
but my mom and sister were kind of

My mom didn't break like she did before,
but she looked really scared,
like I had become
a completely different person.

And though it hurt,
I know that it came with
good intentions.
I know she doesn't hate me
and never will.

My sister was more surprised
but still congradulated us
and stayed to eat with everyone.

That was almost
a week ago,
and both of us decided to finally
tell our friends
while we're all eating together in the music room

Seokjin said under his breath.

"I hope that you understand our situation
and don't tell anyone else."

   "Oh don't worry."
   Hoseok looks at me with a grin.
   "If this little May Tae Bae is happy,
then I'm happy."

I cough onto my wrist out of surprise.
"This little what?"

Hoseok just grins and
turns his head to Jungkook.


Clearly caught off guard by the sudden attention,
Jungkook puts his hands on his lap
underneath the white fold up table.

"Good- Uh...
He raises his shoulders
as he makes a tiny smile.

Seokjin lets out a laugh.
"Kookin' is more awkward than you, Taehyung-ah!"

I exclaim without thinking.

Hoseok joins in,
"Everyone deserves a nickname, Tae Mug!"

Tae Mug?

"What's your nickname then, Hoseok?"
Yoongi questions.

Before Hoseok can come up with an answer,
I cut him off.


The whole room is still
for just a few seconds,
before I hear Yoongi let out a laugh.

Seokjin asks again,
as if to make sure he heard me correctly.

I nod slowly
while Yoongi's quiet laughs into his hand
fill up the empty space.

"I'll take it!"
Hoseok then bursts out,
"Whatever nickname TaeTae comes up with
is automatically good."

I glance at Yoongi,
who's looking back at me with a smile
as he mumbles
just so I can hear,

"Suga, huh?"

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