thirty six: basketball tournament

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Match 21st, 1986

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Match 21st, 1986

Beth stepped out the Harrington boy's car slamming the door.

"Hey!" Robin called out to one of her band mates. "Wait up!"


"Sorry dude." She smirked, putting her Walkman in her backpack.

"Have a good day." Her brother exclaimed. "Don't fool around with Max." He said making Beth roll her eyes.

She flipped him off before walking inside the school. Brandon climbed to the passenger seat saying, "I hate her. She always flips me off." Steve just chuckled at his statement before driving off.

Beth walked closer to the school as she clutched onto her bag strap. She never liked the school environment, especially now that she was in high school. Although, she had an amazing guidance counselor named Ms. Kelley to help her with her anxiety and ADHD.

However, no one knew she was seeing Ms. Kelley except for her mother and father. She wanted to keep it that way because she didn't want people think she had issues.

As Beth walked into the school she pushed past students trying to get to the gym when she heard a female voice, "Beth! Beth!"

Beth turned around to see her girlfriend Max Mayfield walking towards her. The brunette smiled brightly when she saw the redhead approaching.

"Max! Hi!" Beth greeted with a smile.

"Hi." Max said before giving Beth a kiss on the cheek. The two never cared what people said about them. Beth had some friends who knew about her sexuality and were okay with it. Although Beth always said not to do kisses on the lips as she was afraid what people would say.

"I just wanted to say good luck at the pep rally today." Max smiled and Beth smiled back.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need that luck." She chuckled before noticing Max frowning a bit.

"Are you okay?" She asked and the redhead nodded.

"Yeah, just thinking. I'll see you at the rally." Max replied before blowing her a kiss goodbye. She walked off and Beth waved slightly.

She shrugged it off before walking to the gym. As she entered the gym she saw Chrissy directing the team.

"Chrissy!" Beth yelled running across the gym floor.

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