,,Detective Belova?" I hear Chloe whisper suddenly. I look at her. ,,Where have I heard that name before?" She asks herself but everyone hears her.

Chloe's point of view

,,Detective Belova?" I whisper to myself. ,,Where have I heard that name before?" I keep thinking about her name until a flashback takes over my mind.


I'm on my way to the police station after Kara found out about the islands. They need to see that this is a new way to investigate Beca's disappearance again, right? I mean, this is a new clue. Beca can be on one of those islands and still be alive. All the hope that had left my body has returned and I won't let this rest until they've restarted the investigation.

I open the front door of the police station and go straight to the elevator. I've been here before so I know where the 12th precinct is. I press 12 and wait, holding my phone in my hand nervously, until the elevator stops on the 12th floor. The elevator doors open and I walk out. I'm still amazed by the size of this floor.

,,Can I help you?" A young man walks up to me, holding me back to come in further.

,,In fact you can. I found new evidence about the Queen's Gambit's case. I know a lot of people went missing and I -" He stops me now, by holding up his hand.

,,Sorry miss, but that case is closed."

,,But I have new evidence and I -" I try but once again he cuts me off.

,,Miss, you need to listen. We searched the ocean and found a lot of bodies, but as of now, there is nothing we can do anymore. Let it go." He tells me and then he wants to take me back to the elevator but I won't let him.

,,Don't touch me!" I say and walk past him.

,,Hey, you're not allowed any further." He says and follows me. More men come now, holding me back. Two arms grab me and start pulling me away.

,,Let me go!" I try to get out of their grip. ,,You have to restart the investigation!" I plead. ,,Please, my girlfriend was on that boat. She can still be alive!"

,,This woman is crazy." One of the two guys who are holding me say while they pull me back.

,,Hey!" All of us startle by a voice. I look to the side and see a blonde young woman appear. ,,What's going on here? Why are you dragging that poor girl out?" I take a good look at her and can't deny that she's pretty. She's about the same age as Beca, I think. ,,Let the girl go." The guys holding me, laugh.

,,Yelena, she came in here yelling about the Queen's Gambit case and that she had new evidence. We told her to leave and that the case was closed but she refused to go." Now Yelena crosses her arms.

,,Well, have you looked at that evidence?"

,,No, but the chief told us not to reopen that case." Yelena rolls her eyes.

,,Let - her - go!" She tells the guy with a firm tone. They do what she tells them and walk away with their hands up in surrender. Yelena turns to me now. ,,Sorry about them." She holds out her hand. ,,I'm detective Belova. Please follow me to somewhere more private." I nod and follow her into an interrogation room. She sits down and gestures for me to sit down too, but I'm hesitating. ,,Don't be afraid. I don't have any weapons currently in my hands." She jokes what makes me smile. ,,I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Now I sit down across from her. ,,So, you said you had found something to reopen the case?"

,,Why do you want to help me?" I'm curious because nobody else is trying.

,,Because I thought they closed the case too early when they only found dead bodies. There can be survivors, right?" I smile and nod while opening my photo gallery. I turn my phone towards Yelena, showing her my research.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now