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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2022 Tena Ifiemi


2 hrs - tobi lou

this city - sam fisher ♪


"Looking good Ejiro. Mix it with white to get a lighter colour. It'll look better when you show contrast."

I nodded and looked back at my canvas, wondering what was good about my painting. It didn't help that the artist of the class was sitting right beside me either. His work shaming mine.

Taking the teacher's advice, I started to mix the orange paint I was working with white on my palette. This has got to be the best class today. Not because I love art so much but my other two classes were math and literature and while I love math, the serenity of this art studio is definitely more welcoming than its complexity.

Fine Art wasn't even part of the subjects I write in exams so Fine Art period was more like recess for me and the indie music and classical instrumentals Mr Zaki fills the room with makes me feel like I'm in medieval France sometimes. Along with the painting of course. Plus I needed the relaxation to try to get my mind off certain things.

When we got back to the hostel after Damian's birthday...gathering in the cafeteria my roommates had bombarded me.

"At this point there's no telling us that you guys are not dating. I'm totally for it sha. Please tell me you guys are dating."

"Even if they aren't dating they've definitely done some dirty deeds." Mercy winked.

"I know right? They have to have kissed at least. Their love makes me want to love."

They finally stopped speaking but it was even worse because they were now staring at me expectantly. I stood in front of my locker, red as a rose wondering what to say now that they looked like they were actually expecting a reply.

I cleared my throat, "Damian and I are just-"

"I swear if you say 'friends', I'll make sure this shoe does not miss your face." I turned to Amarachi and she actually had a shoe held up. I fought a smile. Quite bold of her to talk considering how she and Mide are also 'just friends'.

She seemed to read my thoughts because she suddenly dropped the shoe and gave me her best apologetic face.

I will spare her.

"We're taking it slow." I correct.

"But that's boring." Katherine whined.

"But Damian has definitely made a move abi? How did you manage to turn him down?"

"My heart will just be doing gbim-gbim. How did you do it because I know I cannot. Fine boys are hard to say no to."

"Shut up." Tolani laughed, "Now I'm imagining a very dramatic scene of Ejiro slapping Damian's face away as he's leaning in. And for some reason Eiiro is wearing a hanbok!"

"You're mad." Mercy said and everybody burst out laughing.

Soon their laughter died down again and their attentions turned back to me. By now I had reached my bed and sat down.

"Does he have to make any move though?" I wanted to know.

"Girl shut up. We're not telling you to describe anything oh. We just asked if you guys have kissed. Yes or no?"


"Hey." Khadijah finally spoke. "She doesn't owe us any answers. It's her private life."

Ayo furrowed her brows, "I know Khadi but don't you see why we're asking? Well obviously at first I was just gist hungry but there's no way Damian would not have made a move. Anybody who's not blind would've noticed that they've been hanging out for months now..."

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