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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


First thing, next morning I called my mom about the cake. I had already dialed the number and heard it start to ring before I began to worry about being too imposing. Like, how am I supposed to call my mom out of the blues and ask her to bake a cake for my friend?

I couldn't answer my own question before she picked so I ended up stammering a lot while trying to place my request. She was calm, but she tried suggesting that she just order one for me and have it delivered to school but I didn't want that. The idea of it being her red-velvet recipe since he had tasted (and loved) it before just wouldn't leave me so I begged and begged and since I'm sweet little Jiji and no one else, she said OK.

So, cake, check!

I thought about Khadijah's suggestion to involve Reya but decided not to. She wouldn't want to be bothered and I wouldn't want to disturb her, with all Year 12s having their heads in their books and only their books these days.

Like you should, Jiji.

I sigh at the thought. It's true. Mitchel has his head in school work, exam or no exam anyway. Why couldn't I be like that?

Damian snapped his fingers in front of my face, jerking me out of my thoughts and snapped it again after I had come to for good measure.

He leaned in, "It's only us still  standing in the entire hall."

I looked round and sat down hastily in a solid 0.2 seconds, my embarrassment evidence on my cheeks.

Damian was laughing when I turned to face him, "Why were you also standing?"

"Think of how much worse it would have been if I left you standing there all on your own." He said still smiling.

"You could have just...argh!" I groan and look away from him, my arms folded against my chest.

I mean, after the anthem, he could have just tapped me while everyone was sitting down, but no!

"Ejiro." He whispered and my frown deepened. "Are you seriously vexed?"

Am I? Maybe not. But then he also didn't tell me about his birthday which is in a few days and I had to find out from my roommates. I didn't like that.

"Yes, and I just remembered another reason I have to be angry with you so don't talk to me."

I tried my best to refrain from looking at him and kept my head focused on the podium even as I felt his stare burning into the side of face. I could imagine him wondering what on earth the other reason is and if I was serious.

To give him the benefit of doubt, I refreshed and refreshed my memory to recall if we had ever had a birth date conversation and as weird as it may sound, I'm sure we haven't. The only reason he may know mine would be because he's a stalker.

Wait, was he one of those people who hated his birthday because something bad happened that same day? The thought unsettled me. I even shook my head in an attempt to shake it off. That couldn't be it.


My class and Khadijah's class were having a joint P.E class and all the girls were changing in the locker room when an idea popped into my head. I finish changing quickly and grab a pen and jotter from my backpack, ready to bring my idea to life.

         I was just thinking,
         Sopirinye is such a nice name
         What do you think?

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