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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2021 Tena Ifiemi


antidote - nao & adekunle gold ♪

sweet creature - harry styles ♪


ТHΞ ΛUÐłТФЯłUM ŁФФКS ΛMΛZłЛG, the decoration team really outdid themselves on this one. There were white and gold balloons at different corners and the chairs were arranged in a more stylish pattern, far from usual. Just like everyone else, I was dressed in white and had a red flower tied to my wrist. The red flower was a girl thing, by the way.

I came in with Ayo. Khadi wasn't here and neither was her incarnate, Hadiza, thank God. I scanned the place, looking for a place to sit, we had spent a lot of time getting here and so the place was quite full. Sighing, when I noticed that it was just the front row left at the Year 11 seating area, Ayo and I made for it. We passed Mide on our way and he smiled at us waving.

"I like your dress." He says.

"Thanks." That's when I notice Damian sitting beside him. He had his back to me at first but unfortunately, before I could make a run for it, he turned and it was as if he willed me to stay still.

He looked good tonight, unlike most boys who came in casual shirts and tees, Damian was actually wearing a dress shirt. The top four buttons were undone and I could even see a hint of the singlet he was wearing underneath, as well as the single gold chain resting just atop it. I swallowed, not able to resist thinking about the fact that I've laid on that chest.

Then just when I think that I might say something, Damian turned away and as though my heart was being held up in the air all this time, I felt it plummet down into my stomach. That's when I began to notice every other thing around me again, from the sorry look on Mide's face to Ayo telling me that we should go.

Was he still angry then? Was he really never going to speak to me again? How do I feel about that?

"Welcome to this year's Carol night!" The Chapel Prefect said into the mic and that seemed to be everyone's cue to shut up. The place was literally, pin drop silent until the boy Chapel Prefect took the mic from Chidera and laughed,

"Chidera, oh my God are you really that scary?"

Chidera, who was also the Chapel Prefect as well as Amarachi's sister, jokingly slapped her partner on his shoulder before taking the mic from him.

"May we rise for the opening prayer."

Everyone stood and then she called one boy from Year 8 to do the honours. After that we sat down again and moved straight to the order of events. There were lots of amazing presentations. There was an actual drama about the birth if Jesus which was set in actual Bible times, unlike the rip off Mr Zaki wants us to do for parents tomorrow.

There was even a pair, where the girl sang while the boy played the violin. It was so beautiful, some people cried. A lot of people, who I never even imagined singing really shocked me but not as much as Chisom. She came on stage saying she wanted to do a mash up of Christmas songs. She was wearing a really nice dress, it was short and flare but Chisom being Chisom decided that she would not wear white like everyone else so she wore gold.

Sidelining how I felt about the girl, I acknowledged the fact that she had a nice voice. Although she was the only one singing, there were two chairs on stage. She started with 'O come, o ye faithful' and as she was bringing the song to an end, she walked down the stage and made for the audience. The same time she switched to 'little drummer boy' she was directly in front of Damian and when she grabbed his hand and pulled him up, with the way I jerked forward, you'd think it was me she had pulled. Ayo placed her hand on mine and I noticed I was gripping the edge of my seat.

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