As soon as my eyes met with her face, the first thing I noticed was her smile seeming to split her face in two," it's a surpriseeeee", Jinx shrugged shyly, her cheeks turning rosy.

" Hey, Y/N, don't miss the meeting tonight", Sevika grumbled, before making her way out of the airship she flared one daggering look at Jinx and the girl returned it with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

I nodded once, making a note in my head.


" what are we doing?", I whispered, more like shouting quietly, afraid the enforcers we were looking down at would hear us.

Jinx didn't reply with words, instead, she locked her gaze with mine, it had a happy twinkle inside. Her eyes were so much prettier at this angle, the sunset lit them up and orange mixed with blue. It was hard to look away as my body screamed to stay, yet, the girl whirled her head to see the enforcers beginning to leave the position, and in no time the bomb that was attached to her belt was near her mouth, losing the safety pin as she ripped it off, throwing it down the Piltovers building we were on.

I've only been topside three times, most of them were times when Vi and Mylo would drag us all out on a job.

The air here was fresh, and that probably was my favorite thing, yet, I hated the whole Piltover vibe, there was just no fun. We might be poor down there, but at least, we can have fun without being thrown in jail or be judged by complete strangers. Enforcers made me furious too, my mother was killed by one of them before I was born. I still remember the face of Vander when he told me about how he had to rip me out of my mom's belly.

The gust of the wind from down the street hit us, causing me to block out the memory of my dead mother, and the sound from the bomb blowing up pushed me out of my thoughts. I swung my head to Jinx, who now had my hand in hers. She was still looking down causing the enforcers to see us, not too well that they could recognize later though.

A smile curled on my face, this wasn't so bad, entertaining even. The girl laughed loudly, jumping onto her feet and making us both run towards the edge of the building.

My eyes went wide with fear and hesitation. I haven't done this since the day we got in trouble for blowing up a lab. I'd be lucky to not fall all the way down and splatter all over the streets of Piltover. My feet slowed down, affecting Jinx to stumble forward and lose her balance.

The girl fell down, crashing into the ground hard, hissing and cursing under her breath. Something inside me tumbled seeing her leg bleed; one of the unfixed pipes cut her deeply," shit, does it hurt badly?", I crouched down, forgetting the enforcers running up the stairs of the building.

Jinx looked up at my face which radiated with pure worry. She hasn't seen anyone concerned about her well-being for some time now," it's not that bad", she shook her head and I reached my hand out to help. Jinx took it in a blink of an eye as we heard the enforcers be dangerously close to us by now.

" Can you jump?", I asked, looking down, searching for anything we could hang on to. After she let out a breathless 'yeah' I jumped, praying that she'll follow me instantly and she did.


I sneered at Jinx after she slammed my hand away from her bloody wound," what?", my brows crashed together at her jolt.

" it hurts, just let it beee" she whined with puppy eyes, begging that I would leave the wound I was about to stitch up alone.

My head shook," I let you stitch up my side, it's only fair if you let me do yours" I pressed, gripping her ankle and dragging her closer to me.

The sheets from her bed were stained with blood and a trail of it was left on the floor since I got her to the room an hour ago, the girl has been refusing to let me clean her wound up," c'mon Jinx I have a meeting to attend", I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness.

She didn't move, she didn't jolt back or protest after what I said, only stared at my focused face as I brought the needle closer to her skin. Before I could pierce it, her cold hands cupped my chin, leaving me confused," why can't you just love me?", something I wasn't expecting rolled off her tongue. The glint of sadness in her eyes as her brows fell made me bloom with emotions.

It hurt.

I snatched my face away, bringing my focus back to her bloody wound, piercing the skin without a warning harshly. She flinched, making fists as she gripped the bed sheets," you killed my family", my voice was frozen in my throat. Before she could say something further, the needle went through her skin again, and I spoke, again, colder," you betrayed Vander", another jolt from her.

Jinx's eyes were watery, " I was saving them", she murmured for me to hear," we wouldn't have where to go without Silco, he saved us", her eyes were burning, trying to fight the tears from coming out," he loved us"

A dart of pain went through my own heart, recalling every last bit of trauma Silco caused us," us? Jinx, he didn't love us, he used us, and he's still using us", my voice softened, seeing her like this wasn't something I actually wished.

The tears began streaming down her rosy cheeks. She jerked away," no, he loves us", her voice tight, with panic as she started wiping the tears harshly with the fabric on her wrists.

I paused for a moment, sitting next to her and taking her braid into my hand, hoping to calm her down a tiny bit," don't you remember how he made us fight each other until one of us bled and blacked out?", I asked.

Jinx seemed to get herself together as she wiped the remaining tears," you never spared me", the look she gave me crushed my heart in pieces. The memories of the days when we both fought against each other to prove one strength struck me like a lightning bolt.

Perhaps I wasn't as good and understanding person as I thought I was, she lost her sister too, and she lost her brothers and a father figure too. Words couldn't describe the emotions in me at the moment. All this time I failed to see her loss and trauma too, it's like my eyes were closed and my heart shut out everything I didn't want to hear or feel.

" I'm sorry", it was my time to apologize. There's nothing else I could have let myself say, at least for now.

" After what happened, I didn't just lose them, I lost you", Jinx finally looked at me, words at the edge of her tongue, yet she was hesitant to say it out loud,

" I-I love you"

The Midnight Sky.( Jinx x Oc Fem Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum