6. Sleeping Beauty

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Jinxs pov.

" All done" I finished stitching Y/Ns wound, which frankly looked kinda cool, ignoring her words. I wasn't the best comforter, my mind can't comprehend how she didn't dare to blow up the firelight's face, I would have done it in a second without any doubts.

Wiping the dried blood gently off of her skin with a warm cloth, something came over my head. I felt Y/Ns eyes stare at me intensely, so I looked up, only now realizing that we were a couple of inches away from each other.

As always my eyes automatically fell on her lips, they were smeared with blood since she accidentally wiped her hand on them moments before.

Being so close to her now brings excitement to my stomach, it's like I need to get closer to her. Y/N was really pretty, and I've always liked her more than a friend, even though I always hid that fact. I know she never liked me like that, and she would never, I'm the one who took our family away from her.

My body seemed to move on its own, leaning in to try and taste her lips for once. When she didn't move or attempt to back away, I placed my hand on her waist, pulling her in even more.

She won't enjoy it, Y/N hates you. Mylo mumbled out of nowhere. Anxiety rose in me, yet I didn't stop what I was doing.

One second. All I needed was one second.

Y/N pulled away before our lips could touch, turning her head to the side.

I couldn't describe what I felt. There was anger and sadness. I'd say confused, but I understand that she hates me. Mylo is right, he's always right.

Uncomfortable silence took over us and I backed away from her, nervously scratching the back of my neck with an awkward smile and thinking of anything I could say to clear up the tension," hahaha I think Mylo needs me in the workshop, yeah!" Something that I didn't think through flew out of my mouth. Fuck.

Great, now she definitely knows you're a psycho. Mylo mumbled to himself behind my back, irritated with my stupidity.

A great way to make her love you, JINX. Just bring up her DEAD brother as if he's alive.

Y/N only stared at me, perhaps disturbed, or maybe done with my bullshit," right." She began lifting herself from my bed slowly, letting out quiet grunts from the discomfort. Automatically I bit my tongue finding her little grunts quite attractive and mentally scoffed at my own thoughts.


Y/Ns pov.

" stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid" I repeated over and over in my head, deeply regretting almost letting Jinx kiss me an hour ago. I hated her, for everything. Everything she does irritates me and makes me want to rip all of my black hair strands from my head, which still felt heavy and foggy. It didn't get better, I needed to calm myself down and rest.

Once I was in my bed, not covered in any sheets since I was too tired and weak for that, my eyes could only be set on the dirty greenish ceiling above, and in less than 10 minutes I found myself remembering every detail of the moments before.

The way Jinx's eyes stared at my lips, the way her hand was wrapped around my waist, and the way my chest became so tight it ached. Stupidly at that time, I felt a spark of desire to pull her in too. So dumb of me to forget all the hate I had for her, and all she needed to do was that.

I may be weaker than I thought I was. Or am I beginning to forget what happened? How she caused the deaths of my family and then went on to have a happy life with Silco, leaving me alone to be his slave for the rest of my life.

The more I thought about it, my eyes began closing on their own. Hands no longer curled into fists, and although I had this sickening feeling, I managed to drift off into a tight sleep.

Jinxs pov.

It was already past midnight, I assumed, silently slipping into Y/Ns room through the small window beside her bed. The sky has already fallen pitch black, with an uncountable number of bright stars sparkling and lighting up the lanes.

This was my favorite part of the day; I'd sneak in here most of the nights, quietly watching her sleep. I loved to wonder whether she was dreaming or not. If she was, would she dream of me? Of Vi, her brothers, and dad?

My feet brought me to her bed, carefully, not even letting out a single breath, I sat down beside her. Noticing that she wasn't covered in any blankets, I tugged onto one of the sheets and pulled it over her stiff body, sat back, and stared at her drained face.

I couldn't resist swiping one of her loose black strands away from her pale cheek. Whilst I did that the corners of my lips curved into a weak smile. A flare of peace lit up in my chest. I didn't have to worry about anything while I'm here.

Less than five minutes passed by and I dropped my body next to hers, closing my eyes and resting them for a while.

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