🌑 Chapter Two ☀️

Start from the beginning

Malyla sighed heavily, resting her head on the table. "Yes, she did! It was when we were asked what we were going to do when school ended. She had to make a snide comment about how she was going into Desert Sands Prep College and then into SERA's Defense Force unlike me because of my outburst over the unfortunate death of my parents." She replied, her heart feeling heavy and tighter as she spoke.

Adel reached his hand out and placed it on her shoulder. "You can't allow Cheyenne to get to you. She's just jealous that your parents are considered legends . . . despite what SERA said happened to them." He added the latter sheepishly and played it off with a shrug.

Malyla looked up at her friends, teeth gritted, her eyes still dancing with hatred. "How can I not? She said she'd become a pilot at SERA and be way better than my parents and not make the same error in judgment they did. And my parents' error caused SERA to realize they needed fighter pilots for every expedition. Everything happens for a reason. As if!" She slammed her hands on the table.

Pedro furrowed his brows as he chewed up the food in his mouth. "But your mom was the engineering officer and command module pilot and your dad the communications officer and lunar module pilot. It was Margaret O'Doherty who was the pilot of the Atlas 293, not your parents."

Malyla nodded, giving yet another heavy sigh. "Yes, we know that. But everyone seems to forget about her. I can only guess it is because she's not nearly famous enough for people to remember." She mumbled the last bit, feeling bad that she had gone forgotten.

Adel reached over and rubbed her back. "Still, it doesn't matter what people like her say. They're ignorant and closed-minded. One day they will be proven wrong and have to swallow the harsh pill of eating their own words." He flashed her a sympathetic smile.

Pedro scratched the side of his head as his eyes glanced between Adel and Malyla. "But there was never a report of the Atlas 293 crashing. Communications went dead. So, there is no way to prove what really happened, so, it's all just speculation and blindly agreeing with one side of the story." He whispered to his friends, side eyeing around them.

Malyla groaned, tilting her head to the side with an unimpressed look. "We know that! But everyone else believes it because that is what the SERA said. They're the be-all end-all." She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Pedro didn't like where this was turning so he quickly piped up. "Look on the bright side, three more hours until school is out! Wanna go to your house and have a study party before we go to play retro games? I'm in the mood for whatever Sammy is cooking up." He suggested excitedly, grinning once Malyla and Adel agreed with nods.

Cheyenne Harper, who was at the table beside theirs, looked over at Malyla as she got up and approached them. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying." A devilish grin grew on her peachy glossed lips, her blue eyes sparkling as she tucked a lock of ash blonde hair behind her ear.

Malyla clenched her jaw and turned towards Cheyenne, sucking in a deep breath and putting on the fakest smile she could muster. "Eavesdrop much, Cheyenne?" She asked sweetly, hoping she could get her to go away as soon as she could.

Cheyenne, in return, gave a fake smile, clearly knowing what game Malyla was trying to play. "I wasn't eavesdropping, how could I not hear when you were speaking for the whole school to hear." She sweetly spoke, a hint of sarcasm dripping off her voice.

Malyla dug her nails into the palms of her hands. "We were whispering." She forced out through gritted teeth. "Do you have something to say? Because I'm ten seconds away from leaving." She narrowed her eyes, wishing not to deal with this girl more so than she already had.

"Goodness, chill," Cheyenne placed her hand over her chest and gasped dramatically, drawing attention. "No need to leave. It's just - I don't understand why you can't accept the error your parents made." She slyly said the corner of her mouth inched into a smirk she was trying to hide.

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