Chapter 22: Coldharbour

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Written October 1st, 2022 (Yeah I know, I write my chapters whenever they just pop into my mind and bend the story at the hand of them.)

Y/N entered the realm of Coldharbour, her breathing was unregular. And she almost passed out when she got to the gates of his palace. She was accompanied by the Dremoras. Y/N could easily take them, but she knew Molag wouldn't be so fond of that. The less trouble she would make, the better. It made her chances at survival double.

The shackles around her wrists disappeared after she was in the hall waiting. The screams of pain making her crack her neck, hoping that she would let her mind wander off somewhere else. The screams became louder as the door opened, letting her walk in further.

She wasn't pushed, but she felt like it. Like there was an invincible flesh atronach forcing her in. She swallowed at the thought of the summoned creatures, different parts of different bodies attached to each other, rotting stench coming along with it and runes carved into it made her feel uneasy.

She saw them once. And since then she tried to forget the sight of it, erasing every memory that came along with it. She ended up at the stone slab that stood proudly in the middle of the room, the skeleton servants didn't even pay attention to her as they continued torturing the man.

Stepping closer she noticed instantly who it was, making her scoff. "Never thought I would see you alive to be honest." the thought of what was coming up, was lost. At this moment, she was simply amused with the sight.

"What are you-" He was interrupted as another whip came across him, "laughing about." He ended, yelling out in pain. "You did this to yourself you know?" Her hand flew to cover her mouth as another pair of doors opened. Making it the perfect opportunity for the man to laugh.

"Seems like you got yourself in big trouble." She bit her tongue, narrowing eyes as she didn't let her fear overcome to her. She looked confident as she passed him, moving forward with large passes. If someone would look at her from the other side, they wouldn't even think that she is frightened to death.

Her gaze was fixated on the Deadroths in the further distance. Shifting it so she could see behind her. Y/N cursed under her breath, realizing that all the other exits were closed off or even heavily guarded by his creatures. She stood no chance against all of them.

The moment that two new dremoras stood behind her to guide her to the last set of doors, she felt her own undead heart bounce for a second. Feeling like she would be finally alive, but that isn't true. Her breath hitched when she was announced to him. Rubbing her wrists she saw him sitting on his throne, lazily cleaning his mace from blood.

She walked froward, plainly said, the hesitance was clear to be seen. Eyes roaming around the room, looking everywhere besides the eyes of the one she feared. But before she knew, her eyes locked with his, and she swallowed audibly, breathing out after a moment, realizing she held in a breath longer than she thought.

"How was the journey?" His voice beamed through the room, and so, she took a step backwards, hoping that a gap in the ground would appear and swallow her. But when she didn't answer, he grew slightly annoyed. "Well?" Rising from his seat, Y/N mumbled a yes.

"Leave us." Every creature went out, leaving her and the Daedric prince alone in his throne room. She swallowed thickly, scared of what would happen. She didn't want to be raped, nor did she want to get married to the Daedra. Some people where jealous, but she desperately wanted to leave.

"Aren't you greeting your fiancé properly?" Molag smirked, shrinking so he would be a bit more her size. Still far more taller than her, but he wouldn't be a giant compared to her frame. Y/N stood still, not daring to move. As Molag leaned in, Y/N didn't even notice that she stepped back.

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