Chapter 18: The truth of Garmr

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Written September 18th, 2022

The next morning made them wonder how long they have been exploring each others bodies for. After the joke of another round, Y/N felt safe and confident enough to get Remus all exhausted.

The sun was up, And Y/N was as well. Yawning slightly at the good sleep she just had. It wasn't much, but she enjoyed every second of it. She turned in the arms of her professor, her fingers slightly tracing his chest as she watched him sleep peacefully.

"Good morning beautiful." He hummed, voice betraying him as he spoke with a certain roughness. Y/N looked up, fingers tracing the artery in his neck, till she finished to cup his face. "Morning." She purred back, enjoying it when Remus became flustered. "Would you like to have some-" He shuddered as Y/N traced her fangs on his bare skin, her tongue accenting it as well. "Y/N, not that I don't enjoy it-"

Y/N removed herself from him, looking into his eyes. "But what, Remus?" He sighed, he couldn't seem to understand how he got this perfect woman in his bed. "You got me all exhausted last night. I'm surprised you aren't tired."

Y/N laughed, moving her body up so she could sit on his lap, letting the sheets fall from her bare chest. "I am a vampire, darling. My stamina goes a lot further than you think, beside that, I don't really need sleep. With a few hours I can can stay awake for a good amount of time." She leaned down, pecking his lips.

"Now, Remus, no need to get nervous." She mocked him, when she heard his heart beat faster than it usually did. "I'm not nervous." Y/N smirked, tapping her ears. "Remus, I can hear your heartbeat. I can almost dance to it. But, what were you saying before?"

"Would you like some breakfast?" Y/N smiled smugly, "I don't think you can get breakfast right now." Remus was confused, and Y/N tapped the watch on her wrist. Telling him it was already far too later. He whined when he felt Y/N leave his bed, opening his eyes to see her pick up her clothes.

"Where are you going?" Y/N turned around, buttoning up her shirt. "Garmr should be back with a letter from Eoin." Her face fell, frightened about what she would read. "Are you going back for Christmas?"

"I don't know, I must go back. For what, I cannot answer yet. But my orders are in that letter. Maybe Eoin found a way to help me out?" She prayed her aunt did, but she didn't raise her hope too much. Knowing that what she had with Remus, was not forever.

"Perhaps I could join you?" Y/N started at him, blank expression, hoping he was joking. "You, want to come along?" It would be a lie if she said she didn't like it. But this was far too early. "Of course, I could get to know your aunt?"

"Remus, think about it again. You, in a castle full of vampires? While every single one of them could easily pick you out. Do I need to repeat the fact that you stink? Your wolfish odor is one thing to put you down already." Y/N used her words in a harsh way, but it was for the better.

"Oh, I understand." Y/N felt sorry for him and made her way to his bed. Sitting down on the edge, so she could move his hair back. "Believe me, I want you to come along, but you need to understand that you would be dead meat once you set a foot in that castle. Besides, he still watches me, and entering the realm with hircine his spawn? I would be officially dead too."

Remus understood completely, and reassured her that he would be waiting for her return. Y/N smiled at his understanding nature, but her smile soon turned into a well visibly frown. Remus blinked a few times, making Y/N turn her head, and watched at the same thing he was fixated on.

But her frown turned into a smug expression. Fading into a genuine smile when her familiar appeared. "How does he get in here-" Y/N hushed remus when she saw that Garmr was holding the letter. The yellowish paper seemed to be smutched with candles wax, and a few drops of blood.

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