"I'm still mad at you, just a little less these days.", he smirked.

"Mhmm.", I replied.

"Let's get down stairs.", We heard from behind us.

Glancing back, I saw that it was Louis.

Rolling my eyes, I got to moving with the quickness.

Once I made it down to the deck, Jamie instantly ran towards me.

"Let's jump in together.", Jamie smiled while grabbing my arm.

"I don't want to get in yet.", I replied snatching my arm away.

If she don't get the fuck on.

I was over this entire trip.

I was over Louis trying to act like he's a pimp, I was tired of Jamie trying to be all up under me recently and I was sick of not being in my own damn bed!

Luckily we only had 2 more days to be here.

Placing my stuff in one of the chairs, I took my phone out.

Messages from the group chat were coming in.

'Bitch....', Heather wrote.

'?', Lola replied.

'What's tea?', I sent.

'This water is fucking dirty, I'm not getting in it.', Heather sent with laughing emojis.

Glancing at the water, I noticed that it did look a little green.

'That's a true statement.', I replied with the crying open mouth emoji.

"Who you texting?", I heard Louis ask me.

"You in my business? Don't do that.", I answered.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?", he asked me.

Ignoring him, he just turned away from me and looked out into the lake where Jupiter, Jamie and Jaylen were swimming and laughing already.

"Everyone! Do not get into the water!", Grey came out of the house yelling.

"I just got word that there is a sewer leakage going straight into the lake.", he finished.

Next thing you know, all 3 of the girls immediately started crying and running out of the lake.

Covering my mouth, I just sat there in shock.

"Ain't that some shit....", Drake laughed.

Nobody had gotten in yet because...I mean the water looked fucking nasty.

"Grey, you fucking stupid bitch!", Jupiter yelled at him.

"Bitch, watch your fucking mouth. I just found out.", he mugged.

"Y'all fucking stank.", Gabe chimed in.

"Ain't dinner at that new restaurant in like a hour?", Lola asked Grey.

"Yes, and you 3 shitty motherfuckers are staying here.", Grey mugged them before turning and heading inside.

I would be pissed at Grey too so I don't know why he's mad.

"Damn, that's unfortunate.", I stood up and grabbed my things before heading inside.

That was really unfortunate.

"And didn't I do it for you?

Why don't I do it for you?

Why won't you do it for me?

When all I do is for you?

And didn't I do it for you?

Why won't I do it for you?

Why won't you do it for me?

When all I do is for you?"

"Okay!", Lola yelled as Yami made her way down the stairs with Drake.

"This is what money look like!", she replied.

She had on a black backless knee cut dress with silver jewelry and silver heels.

They were the last ones to come done so luckily, I didn't have to hear anyones mouth about me always being last.

Everyone headed outside to the hummer limousine that awaited us and hopped in.

Lola and Grey sat next to each other and looked hella suspicious.

He was smirking at her while she looked away all red in the face.

Opening my phone, I texted Heather since she was looking into their direction too.

'Bitch you peep what I peep?", I typed then sent.

'Duh, hoe. He too damn big for Lola! She's like a cute purple fluffy cloud and he's....bitch I don't even know...', she replied with the laughing emoji.

I bursted out laughing and everyone glanced at me so I quickly composed myself.

"Why you laughing?", Gabe asked me and I ignored him.

"¿Por qué te ríes, con tu boca ruidosa?", he continued.

"Gabe, I don't know what you are saying. I'm laughing at a tik tok!", I smiled.

"Mhmm.", he replied.

We arrived at the restaurant after 25 minutes and it was absolutely beautiful.

We took an elevator up to the roof.

The night weather felt amazing.

I wore a red long sleeve dress so it was perfect.

Sitting next to Leo, he was quickly asked to move by Louis who took his spot.

Rolling my eyes, I decided to ignore him.

I felt a large hand place itself on my thigh and then a squeeze.

"Your wife would not like to see you doing that.", I hummed.

"Well good thing she isn't here, right?", Louis smirked back.

"What the fuck are you doing, Louis?", Jaylen yelled as she got closer to the table.

"They're waiting

They're watching

They're watching us

They're hating

They're waiting

And hoping

I'm not enough"
(Song: Cellophane - FKA Twigs)

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