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"Oh, I'm a wreck without you here

Yeah, I'm a wreck since you've been gone

I've tried to put this all behind me

I think I was wrecked all along

Yeah, I'm a wreck"
(Song: Wrecked - Imagine Dragons)

Looking over at Rose, I sighed.

She had been asleep for 12 hours now.

The doctor I called over said she'd be fine, she just needed some rest.

Walking out of the room, I headed to the kitchen.

When I walked in my favorite person was there.

"She looks...different.", Heather mumbled while sitting at the counter top eating a yogurt.

Heading towards her, I leaned down to kiss her cheek before taking the spoon that she held with yogurt into my mouth.

"Hey!", she giggled.

"Well, I mean...she is older now.", I smirked.

"True, it's been 4 years since the day she blocked us out of her life.", Heather said with attitude slamming down her yogurt.

"Babe, calm down. We don't really know what happened.", I cooed.

"Louis's crazy ass. When the fuck did he get all them tattoos? He use to be a good boy!", she exclaimed.

"Had to be a little bit after he married Jaylen.", I hummed.

"Oh yea, when he had to go to the crazy house for a year because Rose was not trying to be with him if he was married.", Heather laughed.

"We're hereeee!", Lola ran in excited with Gabe.

"Where is she?", Gabe asked opening the refrigerator.

"She's resting.", I replied.

"I missed my sweet girl!", Lola exclaimed with tears gathering in her eyes.

"We all did, Lola.", Gabe sighed.

"Can't fall in love, when I found the one

How am I supposed to move on

When you're never really too far gone

The memories won't go away

I feel pain every time I hear your name

But I always think of you the same

'Cause time wasn't in our favour

This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later"

Rose stood in the middle of the living room pissed off.

If smoke could come out of human ears, she would have it.

"Why the fuck did you bring me here and not to a hospital!", she yelled.

"Because, Rose, you were fine. You just needed to warm up a bit.", I said.

"Who are you and why do you keep finding me!", she yelled at me.

"Wait, you don't remember us?", Lola asked, standing from the couch.

"I don't know who any of you people are!", she yelled out.

"Rose...we're your family!", Gabe stood up also.

"No, I don't have a family! All I have is Louis!", she yelled shaking her head no.

"Louis...Louis takes care of me. He's taken care of me forever.", she cried.

"Rose, listen. Us 5....we are all we got outside of everyone else, we take care of each other. You, me, Lola, Gabe and Leo!", Heather yelled at her.

"Don't tell me you don't fucking know us!", Heather finished.

"Heather, calm down.", Lola comforted her.

"No, this has to be a joke.", Heather cried.

"You're really fucked up, Rose. So you just blocked us out of your life and forgot about us?", Gabe asked lowly.

"I-I-I truly....don't know who any of you are. I'm sorry.", Rose said looking down.

The happy vibe that everyone had quickly turned sour.

"She's got to have amnesia or something.", I said to myself but the group heard.

"That could be right!", Lola replied.

"Rose what is the last thing you remember from your past?", I asked her.

"Um...I remember meeting Louis when I was 19 and my life starting from then.", she smiled as if she was remembering a beautiful thing.

"Bitch, please. You've known Louis since you were fucking 4 and his ass was 11.", Heather hissed.

"What?", Rose asked mugging her.

"You heard me.", she replied stepping forward.

"Louis picked you out of all the girls in the orphanage to be his. Paid for you with his daddy's money. To be his companion throughout all his living days and after! That's what the contract says at least.", Lola chimed in.

"Wait....wait...", Rose started.

She began to look like she was getting a headache until realization showed in her eyes.

She fell to her knees and sobbed.

"How could he have done this to me....Louis and I, we were so close...we were in love.", she cried.

"Y'all were...I'll agree on that, but his father did not want a black girl to be married to his son...who's soon to be the face of their company, Rose.", Lola stated.

"You guys, stop. Don't you see...this is too much for her.", Gabe said.

"No, she needs to hear this.", Heather replied.

"No, Gabe is right. That is enough.", I finally spoke.

"Rose, let me take you back to your room.", Lola stated.

"No...I want to sit out here and catch up....with my family.", she said while glancing over at me.

"Let me know when it's time to come back

Maybe when your life is on track

And you don't have to hesitate

Hopefully it isn't too late

Luckily for you, I'm patient

I'm okay with your making me wait

And as long as you're near, I'll be here

Even if it takes ten years"
(Song: See You Later - Jenna Raine)

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