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Jisoo tried to focus on reading a book that morning to kept her mind away from what happened last night. She chose to not get back to the dorm so that Rose and Lisa could have some time away from her.

"What are you reading, Love?" Haein got on top of the bed, sitting next to her. He was drying his wet hair after shower with a towel.

"A pregnancy book I got from my Eonnie." She showed the book to Haein before put it on the drawer next to her. "But I can't concentrate..."


"I'm still thinking on how to make up with Chaeyoung and Lisa..."

"I'm sure you will figure it out soon." Haein smiled, then reached out to her small baby bump. He kissed it deeply.

Jisoo caressed Haein's hair. "Only the baby? What about me?"

Haein raised his head then suddenly held Jisoo in bridal style, which made her scream a little. He was now holding her head with his arm and placed Jisoo's body on his lap. He gave her multiple kisses on Jisoo's forehead, eyes, nose, and lips.

"This part has not been kissed.. " Jisoo pointed her cheek.

Haein giggled before he kissed her cheek and chin gently, then lightly touched Jisoo's nose with his other hand.

"I hope our baby is a girl." He said.

"Then there will be two of me, Oppa. Can you handle it?" She teased him back by sliding her finger on his nose.

"That's the point. I really don't mind." He started to kiss her again, this time the kiss went to her neck.

"Oppa it tickles!" Jisoo laughed when she pushed Haein's face away and tried to get up.


"Hm?" Jisoo leaned her head on Haein's shoulder.

"On a serious note, shall we start to live together?" He held her hand. "Now that you don't have to practice anymore, and considering we have to prepare a lot for our wedding, I think it will be easier for us to stay together. I don't want you to stay alone in the apartment anymore. I will get worried. It will get harder for you as your belly gets bigger, Love. Let me take care of you."

Jisoo was actually considering it, but she hadn't get the chance to say it yet. Haein ended up offering it to her first.

"I will talk to my members first, Oppa." She said as she closed her eyes.


When Jisoo entered the dorm, she heard voices in the living room. Her members were done practicing, she guessed. She tried to show her best smile when she found Rose and Lisa on the sofa. Both of them turned their head to her. The room that once filled with their giggles suddenly left the TV sound only.

"Where's Jennie?" She scanned the rest of the dorm.

Rose and Lisa exchanged glance.

"She went out with Hoyeon just now" Rose finally answered.

"I thought you would  know since you two are very close." Lisa reached the TV remote to turned it off.

"Lisa-ya, Chaeyoung-ah." Jisoo sat near them. "Listen... I'm sorry again for what had happened. I really didn't mean to keep this from you two. Have you ever experienced something that made you feel really lost... you feel so confused that you can't even tell your best friends? That's how I felt, back then."

Her members just looked at her with sad eyes without saying anything.

"Jennie... you know how good her feeling is, right? She was actually the one who noticed my condition first. She helped me to go trough the hardest part. She knew it would be harder for me if more people knew my condition. So I hope you don't blame her."

"We don't, Eonnie." Rose talked with low voice, almost sounded like she was whispering. "And we don't want to blame you too, it's just... shocking."

"I know. I don't blame you two as well. I might have reacted the same way if I were you. I just hope that you can forgive me sooner or later."

The room was silent once again. Lisa didn't talk at all except for her sarcastic comment earlier and it made Jisoo uneasy.

"Actually there is one more thing I want to say to you. Jennie didn't know this yet, but I will tell her once she's here. Haein Oppa asked me to live together, so I might leave the dorm soon."

Their facial reaction couldn't lie. They had not yet done processing the news about Jisoo's pregnancy and wedding. As if those news wasn't enough, Jisoo added up the surprise, saying she was going to leave.

"Do as you wish." Lisa left the room just like that.

Rose on the other hand, just stayed still while hugging her legs. She put her chin on her knees, her tears dropping.

"Chaeyoung..." Jisoo took Lisa's place. She reached Rose's shoulder so she could cry while leaning on Jisoo's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Eonnie. I really wanted to act wise and accept your decision so you can be at ease. But I can't..." 

"It's fine, Chaeyoung. Thank you for trying to understand." Jisoo's eyes were teary. She didn't anticipate that she would get carried away.

"Are you really pregnant, Eonnie? Are you really leaving us?" Rose wiped her tears.

Jisoo nodded. "It's all decided. Me and Haein Oppa has decided to keep the baby. It's our blessing."

Rose stared at her belly. "Can I feel it?"

"Sure." Jisoo reached Rose's hand and put it on her belly. "It can't move yet, though. You won't feel anything."

Rose smiled slightly. Her face lighten up a bit. "It's a girl."

"Really? How do you know?" Jisoo's eyes widened.

"I just know." Rose stared at Jisoo and started to look sad again. "She will be as sweet as Jisoo Eonnie."

"Haein Oppa will be thrilled. He wants a girl."

Rose chuckled, but then choked by her own tears. "God, I'm gonna miss you..."

Jisoo couldn't hold her tears anymore. This time, Rose was the one who hugged her first.

"You're gonna be a great Mom, Eonnie. I will support you. Always." She said.

"Thank you, Chaeyoung."

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