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One month ago

They have been openly dating for some time now, but Haein's apartment was still their favorite place to spend time together. Jisoo waited excitedly after she rang the bell. When the door opened, she jumped to hug the one behind it.

"Woaa careful, there!" Haein couldn't hide his laugh, he covered Jisoo's head with his hand to protect it from the wall. "You little bunny."

"I miss you like so so much!" She clung to his broad shoulders. "I haven't seen you for weeks."

"I miss you too, Love." Haein gave her a peck on the lips. "Tasted like cherry. My favorite."

"Now you have favorite for the lipstick that I wore? You're so naughty Mr. Jung."

"I am." He said proudly. "Come here let me taste it again."

"Yaaa- No!" Jisoo laughed uncontrollably when Haein carried her to the living room.

Haein gently put Jisoo on the sofa, then kissed her lips again and again. They only had this one day to hang out together before they got back to their busy schedule. A quality time with a good movie was the choice they made.

"What should we watch tonight..." Jisoo was busy scrolling Netflix page. "Oppa, stop it and help me to choose, will ya?"

"Hmm.." Haein unwillingly stopped kissing Jisoo's hair. "Why Netflix, tho? You usually prefer Disney."

"We often watch Disney. I want something different."

"Let's watch Spider-man, then." Haein took the remote control from her.

"No I don't like it."

"What about Venom?"

Jisoo sighed. "Other than super hero movie, please."

"You're so annoying, sometimes. You're lucky that I love you."

Jisoo giggled then rested her head on Haein's chest.

"Shall we use this 'Surprise Me' feature to make it fair?" Haein suggested.

"Cool!" Jisoo agreed.

When Haein clicked the button, a movie played on the screen in front of them. They fell in silence knowing what it was. An adult movie titled '365 Days'.

"Oops." Haein laughed nervously. "Maybe we should try again."

"I think so." Jisoo said, hiding her smile. "Let me do it.. ah sorry Oppa!"

Jisoo was about to take the remote control again from her boyfriend but she didn't really pay attention to where her hand went. She accidentally touched part between Haein's leg. She quickly scooted away.

"I... really didn't mean to." She made the peace sign with her hand.

Haein's face now became really red. He slowly turned his head to face Jisoo again. "You really are annoying..."

Before Jisoo could explain more, Haein already sealed her lips with his. The kiss was long and wild, this time. When Jisoo opened her mouth a bit, he took the chance to insert his tounge in. Haein pushed her to lie down on sofa. They only let go of each other after both of them were running out of breath. Haein then stared at her with such a hungry look. Jisoo gulped, she stared at the area around Haein's neck. He wore a white polo shirt with buttons undone. Her mind traveled to when she saw Haein's shirtless. Now she suddenly wanted to see his muscular body again.

"I should stop here." Haein broke the silence.

"Do you think you can, Oppa?"

"Damn..." He seemed like he couldn't control himself.

Haein continued kissing her, this time he attacked Jisoo's neck. He kissed and bit it until Jisoo moaned a little.

"Jisoo ya.." he whispered between his kisses. "Can we do it?"

"Do... what?" She asked just to make it clear.

"Sex." He answered, but then he suddenly stopped the kiss. "Sorry, nevermind. I knew we have agreed not to do it."

Unfortunately, she wasn't in her right mind at the moment. Every touch and kiss from Haein felt like drugs. She instantly got addicted and she wanted more. Little did Haein know that she wanted to do it as bad as him. Jisoo's brain said no, but her heart and body said yes.

"Today... maybe we can make an exception."

Haein's eyes got widened. "But... I don't have any condom with me."

She might be crazy, but she couldn't help it. She stroke both of Haein's cheeks. "It's okay. But just this one time."

"It might hurt you."

Jisoo smirked. She pulled his face towards her. "I said it's okay, silly."

That day they followed what their heart wants without thinking much, not knowing what they would face after.

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