Partner in Crime

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Haein didn't even contact her until the next day. Jisoo sighed and throwed her phone to her bed. It was Monday but she didn't have to practice. Both Lisa and Chaeyoung had gone for a morning jog at the park, left her and Jennie alone in their dorm.

"Unnie, may I come in?" Jennie knocked on her bedroom door.

Jisoo came to open it for her.

"You don't have to open it for me, Unnie. Just say that I can come in."

"You seriously felt sorry just because I had to walk for two meters to reach the door? Please, Jen. I'm just pregnant, not sick." Jisoo headed back to her bed.

"Well, I'm just trying to protect you. I'm sure your boyfriend acted this way too." Jennie followed her.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about him." Jisoo put her hand on Jennie's shoulder. "So, have you done your homework?"

Jennie took a deep breath. "Unnie, you don't have to rush it, you know. Make up with your boyfriend first. Take a few more days to think..."

"I don't have much time, Jen. You know that." She cut her off.

Again, Jennie let out heavy breath. "Why do I feel like a criminal for doing this..."

Jisoo received a phone from Jennie. She looked at the screen. It showed a profile of a doctor and a hospital address in Seoul.

"The procedure, to simply put it into words, is like vacuuming it out so it won't leave any scar on your body. My friend... she is an idol too. I got this doctor information from her. She had done this. But Unnie, she said it will be really hurt."

"It's okay. It's the risk I should take. Thanks Jennie." Jisoo sighed. "I am so sorry I drag you into this mess."

"Geez, you can count on me anytime. We are partner in crime." Jennie nudge her shoulder. "On a serious note, Unnie. I think it's better for you to get Haein-ssi's consent first. He will be really sad if you do this without his agreement. He is the baby's father, afterall. This can seriously ruin your relationship."

Jisoo suddenly got reminded of Haein's face yesterday. His hurtful look was actually tortured her too. Behind her anger, Jisoo actually felt deeply sorry to him.

"I know he shouldn't have forced you to have this baby, but he is just trying to save his child. He is willing to take full responsibility, which I think really sweet. Maybe you can slowly convince him. He loves you. He will understand." Said Jennie again.

"Don't worry, I'm not that cruel. I will talk to him about this."

Just then, Jisoo's phone rang. Finally a text from Haein.

Love, how are you doing? I'm really sorry about yesterday. Can I come to your place tonight?


Haein came really late later that night since he had to finish his shoot first. When Jisoo opened the door for him, he really tried his best to smile.

"Have you had dinner?" He asked.

Jisoo glanced to his tired face. His eye bags got bigger compared to yesterday. "Yes." She reached out to touch his cheek. "Oppa, did you even sleep? Was your shooting schedule that tight?"

He grabbed Jisoo's hand so it stayed there. "Barely."

Jisoo let him hugged her. Sometimes, Haein said his sorry this way. He would hug her for quite a long time and placed his chin on her shoulder. They then went to the dining room. Haein sat on one of the chairs while Jisoo prepared two glasses of warm milk.

"Stay the night here, Oppa. I don't want you to drive in that condition. Drink this and get some rest, okay?" Jisoo patted his shoulder and sat beside him.

Haein smiled softly, he received the mug and chose to not answer Jisoo's question. "I'm okay now, Jisoo-ya."

He didn't clearly say it, but Jisoo knew what he was talking about.

"I've been thinking. If you're not ready, then we better not to. If it's the best thing to do for you... for us. Then I'm okay."

Jisoo bit her lower lips. She thought she had done crying, but now that she knew she had broke Haein's heart by making such decision, she felt terrible.

"Don't cry. Please. I'm really fine." He held her hand.

"I... actually had searched about it. There is this hospital where we can abort it safely." Jisoo used all her strength to stared directly into Haein's eyes. "I will need you to be there, Oppa. I'm scared. I can't do it alone."

"I will be there, Love." He pulled her closer. "Don't worry."

She couldn't hold her tears any longer. She cried, loudly, so much like a baby, in Haein's warm hug. 

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