Where To ?

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There are so many places to go. It only takes time for you to go. Never let your mind doubt your ability.Nor let fear get in your way. You can go anywhere your heart sets you free. Time is just a silly game that keeps you from achieving things you want to be.

You have no label saying why must be. Nothing holds you back from anything but your mind that plays tricks on you. The evil things it can do. We let it be the teller of all. Believing I. The words it spills. The truth of the matter is we are greater than it will ever tell. But it keeps pushing us down to the ground.

You, the moment you feel free without. Care in the world. That's the moment you turned it off and said you don't give a damn what it thinks. The wind blowing you go to the place you want to be. The warm sand in between your toes and the fresh air filling your lungs. Trees were the perfect shade of green with the flowers smelling so sweet. You are where you are meant to be .

Now and then a gray cloud rolls in. Being the rain to wash over you clean slate for a new beginning to start to form. Never look with a worrier eye for things will pass you by, nothing is what it seems to be. We don't have very thing. That's not the way of life. We work hard to just get by. That's the mindset we are to give at a young age. Never being good enough to be free to dream and see it come a reality.

Both you and I have the chains lock on tight hard to breathe without a fight. No, nowhere to go with the voices in our head saying it will never be you silly thing. Let it be. Pulling us down to the blacks of days or night with no color or hope in sight. Living each day like this, a never end cycle, the same merry-go-round just goes round and round with a never end in sight.

Then there is this bright life that lights up the sky. It takes our breath away in its beautiful present. Not knowing what it's meant to be or how long it will stay, we start to fight. The feeling it brings a peace, love and compassion. That's all we need to start to bring a belief in you, for it has the power.

It makes us won't forget to fight for a better life, a better me to show that mind it does not know what it's talking about. The struggle will be real hard, but deep down in your heart, you know you're better than any thought that could bring you down.

Take the warmth on your face, close your eye and let it heal your pain. Know you are safe and so loved. You can go anywhere in this world we live in. It's just up to you. Spread your wings and fly. Let your heart be your guide. Believe I. Yourself like others do.

I never said put on rose color glasses or jump into a romantic movie. Those things are meant for that they are a thing or place for Escape for a moment in time. I never said life will be easy, but with the right people cheering you on with your small victories, they being the right amount of joy in your life.

So where will you go today? Will be. Place you always wanted to go and your safe place with your dearest of people by your side. Enjoying the view by your side telling you everything will be just right. Maybe it's with someone that pushes you to be better and make you smile on days you don't want to get out of bed. Letting you know you are never alone, they sit with you in quiet with their hand on your shoulder fighting the Battle by your side.

Believe what you want. Take what fits for you. But hear me out before you go. No matter how long we have been friends. Where our friendship ends is not up to me, for I keep them so dear to me. Like shining stars in the sky. Each one is beautiful and special to me. You matter and mean more than you let yourself see. I will never turn my back or forget you.

You might let the memories fade, forget who I am or why I came. What was it she said? Why did I tell her about my life? Where did she go? Why do I even ask that now? For I don't remember her at all or why I spent so much time. Maybe she was in that brief moment to be wild and free. These things will be true and this will be your life. But I never will forget the moment you helped me in life. They were small for you, nothing at all. But for a girl with a broken life, they were a shooting star of hope in the darkest of nights.

Be safe, be free, be who you want to be. Don't let fear or hate lead you to be a person you are not meant to be. Let the bully, narcissist, and curl people live their life in pain and dishevel life. That's not you or I, life is not easy. We know this is true, but we made up mountains and across oceans with tears in our eyes. We have seen the beauty in others' eyes and felt their words of encouragement.

There are so many places to go. It only takes time for you to go. Never let your mind doubt your ability. Nor let fear get in your way. You can go anywhere your heart sets you free. Time is just a silly game that keeps you from achieving things you want to be.

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