The Path We Take

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It's time to let go. I held on to the hope and dream that I would be the one. The one to make everything right. Pouring my passion and love trying to be the one you need. In the end I never was her, just I moment in time. That you never speak of the one that did not make the cut.

It is time to give up on hope. Fall in the black hole of the unknown. Let someone take the reins and hold on tight. Catch me from falling. Show me what love is meant to be. Lift me up as the gem. I am with passion in your eye. Let me feel what I have given to know that it's real.

It's time to let go. The dreams of hold you forever as if you were mine to have, you made it clear with so little words I was a moment to steel. Now it's time for you to find your true love to have and hold forever. For she is the one you dream of as you go to sleep each night.

It's time to let go of hope. That I would be the lucky one. My destiny is already made and I will walk this path to my fate. Not knowing where it goes and who will be there waiting for me. Maybe no one and that is the life I live. Being okay with loving myself like I have loved you with my heart and soul. It's time to let myself feel that love and put myself first.

It's time to let go. The words we spoke, the dreams we wanted like it was a fairytale you read to me. We know that's not how this story ends. It is not the happy ever after for us to share. I watch you let go and move on. No more tears to fall. No more, why not let us try? Our minds are made up, and it's time to fly.

It's time to let go of hope. Jump off this cliff and see where I end up at the end. What does the one life have left to feel before it's all said and done? What will my last big romantic love song be for me to have for the rest of my life? Where is the singer that has his eyes looking for me in a crowd of people I am the only one he sees?

When is it my turn to have the love I deserve? I give it 100 percent without no regrets. I will find the one to stand by my side smiling at every moment we have, knowing it's where I was meant to be. I will be a wife that is cherished and adored, with my man by my side hand in hand till the day we die.

I don't know if you had regrets. I don't want to know. So find your happiness and soar above the clouds in love with the woman that makes you so proud. Be the man you always dreamed of as a husband to the love of your life.

I let go of hope that I have held on to knowing it was not good for you. You don't know what love is going to be and we don't get to pick who it will be. No matter how much you hope or dream, if it's not the right fit, it will never be meant to be no matter how hard you try to give all your love inside.

So I let go of hope and hold on to the beautiful memories, smile at the words you said to me. Knowing in a moment in time you felt something like I had for you. Our path comes to the fork in the road. Where we must choose what road is for us to embark on. So I hug you one last time and whisper, I love you forever in some special way. You gave me a moment to treasure, a lifetime to hold in my heart.

The time will get easier, I will fade away. The thought of me will visit on a silent day. Where you will smile on your face and peace in your heart for I was the one that never got away. I was the one that let you find your way. Remember I am the one that cheered you on and was so proud of you. I was the one that wanted great things for you. So it's not goodbye. It's travel safe my love, for you are about to have an amazing adventure. Please remember me and hold me somewhere in your heart.

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