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Hello, how are you? I am doing just fine. I know it's been a little bumpy, we never know what way to go. That's the funny thing about life. You have it in your mind things are going right. Nothing could be better than you are where you are meant.

Then the winds blow from the West and everything changes for the best. The rose color glasses they fall off and you are standing there stronger than you have ever been before. Things come to light and feelings are shattered. Making its own masterpiece.

You see things clearly. Your dreams are in sight. You have up a lot to not want to fight. Put your heart out there and loved with all your might. In the end, after all, you are the one standing tall. Always had the leave head on and talked from your heart with loving support. Giving 129 percent in all that you do.

Looking around, the colors are brighter. The wind is blowing with a fire of passion to show you who you are. The person you are is one of a kind. It will talk a special kind to stand by your side. Someone ready to walk in this life with you. No games to be played are just me and you.

Waiting for the day our life paths come to meet. Knowing that all these lessons were meant to be taught. Stand tall be proud of who you are. That heart of yours is one of pure gold. Love, with all your soul, reaches for the stars, stops to smell the roses and dance in the rain. Life is what we make of it and we have to roads we can take. One where we find peace in every choice we make or one where is takes our soul and berries us alive the life of shame.

Now I don't know about you but I know one thing is gif sure, I make Sure I give what I want to receive in this life of kind heart, a caring soul, loving mind and gentle touch you were always safe in my arms around me to always pick you up. I pride myself on seeing good in everyone till you make the mistakes to burn me twice.

The first time I always give a second chance. Life is too short to be anyone's stepping mat. That's not a role I will play. Others don't mind that role they will gladly keep coming back for more. Now that you know and we both agree. We part our ways to be free. I am on the path that will lead me to where I need to be. Not looking back to what was once made for me.

That door has closed you on the other side. You can't follow me to the next chapter in life. This one I start with an open heart, never giving the pain that it cares from lesson just knowing what I was to learn from each one I was given. To be a better person and know I will find my way. Happiness in my heart today is the day I embark on this adventure not knowing what's in store, but excitement feels at me to the core.

All our pieces don't fit together and that's OK. We gave it a shot, and it's not in our cards to stay. There is no ill will, no hate in my heart. It's just time to let go and walk away. There are things I want in life that you and I see differently. We don't fit, no matter how hard we tried. So I wish you well and hope you find your way. The past does not define you, but your act will be what you make of yourself.

Free is where I am, not knowing where I will be heading next. The sunrise was beautiful as a gift to say this world is at your fingertips do as you wish. Fresh air fills my lungs, my eyes see clear. I am going to be just fine and chase after my dreams. What comes my way will be positive only, for that is only what I want to be surrounded by.

I hope when you read this; it leaves you with a hope of your own growing inside you. We all have two paths we are given to take. Chose the path that speaks to your heart. Take the lesson to learn a steppingstone in life for each and everyone of us has a wonderful life. As long as we continue to spread kindness and love. Your heart will grow stronger with every kind soul that has touched your heart in one way or another.

Making friends teaches lessons we would never have learned, giving a heart to ones we love and seeing how they handle it. It may come back in pieces, but that's just the masterpiece of life you get to rebuild it with positive and a lesson learned.

I cherish each and everyone of you for the lessons you've taught me. I hold our friendship dear to me and can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Some people I have let go our time is done, and that is fine. I know you gave me a lesson that I have learned and I will let you go on your way.

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